Phil house Phil house

An Example Rule of Life

A parent knows his children will stumble, fall, and move away from him but he does it hoping that they will become wholly grown individuals that choose to come back to him. In the end the child is still a child and without the parent, the child is incapable of much. Often the best way for a child to walk/grow is to have a parent standing on the opposite side waiting to take the child in their arms. So too are all these things between us and God as we are His children

10 years ago in seminary one of the assignments was to write a rule of life. These naturally will change a little over the years, but they are meant to be guiding rules that help us grow in our faith and practice. Most Christian Orders require their members to create a rule of life, often with a few pre-decided rules. Prayer, Scripture reading and social expressions/actions of faith are important things that every rule should include.

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Michael Stonhouse Michael Stonhouse

An Advent Prayer Calendar (Copy)

This isn't my daily meditation but rather something that grew out of yesterday's one. As I meditated on the idea of setting aside Advent as a deliberate time of prayer based on these four headings, I immediately started getting ideas, specifics, as to what might be prayed for each day. The attached prayer is a result of that, but please feel free to fill in other headings as seem appropriate

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Phil house Phil house

Reconciliation Discussion with Notes

Reconciliation is such an important thing that we should all strive for. It is important because of the brokenness that exists in many of our relationships, but also because that is God’s desire for us too.

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Phil house Phil house

The Power of Invitation

A Presentation and Discussion on Invitation looking at 5 ideas:

What has invitation meant to you?

What is an invitation?

Invitation in the Bible: God’s invitation is a start with monumental consequences

How might we empower our invitation?

What would it look like to invite people into our faith?

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Phil house Phil house

Questions Confirmation Course

This is an outline for a Confirmation Course that addresses the big questions of faith while walking through the creeds, the Lord’s prayer and many other aspects of our worship (usually using Anglican liturgy and books)

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