An Example Rule of Life

10 years ago in seminary one of the assignments was to write a rule of life. These naturally will change a little over the years, but they are meant to be guiding rules that help us grow in our faith and practice. Most Christian Orders require their members to create a rule of life, often with a few pre-decided rules. Prayer, Scripture reading and social expressions/actions of faith are important things that every rule should include.


1) Prayer

a. Before I start my day

b. Before any meal

c. Before starting any major task

d. Before bed

2) Scripture

a. Meditation on two scripture passages before my day

b. Go to sleep with one passage in my mind

3) Once a month meet with spiritual mentor

4) Sing for pleasure and to God twice a week

5) Be willing to stop and listen and just be in times of stress and business

6) Do finances at the end of each month

7) Self-reflect at the end of the week on what has happened (don’t leave anything unsettled)

8) Look ahead (sure there is a lot to do this week but give yourself to think about next week too)

9) Call Mom and Dad once a week brothers once a month

10) Leave time at least once a week for friends outside of school or roommates.

11) Leave ten minutes early to anything (opening up time to do anything that may arise on the way or just to be early and relieve stress)

12) Clean once a week

13) Sleep (try for 8 hours, the earlier the better)

14) stretch

15) I can only beat myself up once a day

16) Limit video games to a few hours a week

17) Write at least three pages a day (anything creative or not, no pressure on quality)

18) Thank God for the beautiful things in life and it’s challenges (each individually)

19) Listen first to those around you, don’t interrupt.

20) Don’t be afraid to look stupid (it is often the only way I will learn)

21) Admit when I don’t know something. I don’t have to be right all the time. Admit when I’m wrong.

22) Praise those around me whenever they’ve done a good job and thank them when they have done it for me

23) Know that all I do and can do is thanks to God (keep pride under foot)

24) Don’t be afraid to talk someone you don’t know. Listen to them outright and don’t judge. Everyone’s problems are just as legitimate as anyone else’s.

25) Plan events or try something new – failures are never absolute instead they keep pushing

Daily: Wake up Early: Pray, meditate (in Chapel if at school), shower eat

Leave ten minutes early

Take time to talk to individuals at work or outside (in any of this)

Have dedicated work time

Between 12-2 lunch (with prayer)

More dedicated work time (write pages)

Between 3-4: 10 minute break just to think

Chapel if at school

Between 6-8 Dinner (with prayer)

Sleep before 12 having prayed and read and reviewed day

Weekly: Clean, friend-time, self-reflection, look ahead, call parents, Go to church, Sing, stretch at least once

Monthly: Talk to mentor, pursue at least one new idea, call brothers, Do finances

Year: Go to visit home


The Struggle Between God in the Old Testament and the New


A Prayer for University Students