Ministries According to Myers Briggs

We were doing a ministry Sunday to help introduce people to the numerous ministries at St. Matthews. As a fun way of exploring what might be a good fit for people, I lined up Myers Briggs with our ministries. Here is what came out:

Myers Briggs - These are not meant to be definitive characteristics, but here are some ideas to inspire you about what ministry might be good for you. 

Are you inwardly or outwardly focused?

Extroverted - Welcoming, friends of friends, Club Matt Teacher, server, coffee hour, reader, choir/band, Ladies' lunch or Men’s breakfast, advertising (postering, invitation etc.), Youth Group Leader, messy Church

Introverted - Prayer ministry, Writing (blog, Matt’s Media, testimonial book), tech team, special events, beyond soup, Christian foundations, chancel guild, Bell Ringer

How do you prefer to take in information?

Sensing - Gift Groups, Special Discussions, Inclusion working group, beyond soup, friends for friends, coffee hour, Welcoming, Writing (blog, Matt’s Media, testimonial book), choir/worship band, prayer ministry, server, reading, Bell Ringer, Youth Group Leader

Intuition - Gift Groups, Christian Formation, Men’s breakfast or ladies' groups, welcoming, Writing (blog, Matt’s Media, testimonial book), family ministry, prayer ministry, chancel guild, Messy Church

How do you prefer to make decisions?

Thinking - Gift Groups, Christian Foundations, Special events, coffee hours, messy church, choir, server, chancel guild, Bell Ringer, Club Matt teacher, Messy Church

Feeling - Friends for Freinds, Prayer ministry, inclusion working group, men’s breakfast or ladies groups, welcoming, Beyond Soup, Writing (blog, Matt’s Media, testimonial book), family ministry, worship band, reading, Youth Group Leader

How do you prefer to live your outward life?

Judging - Christian foundations, special events, Welcoming, Beyond Soup, Chairing meetings, minutes, or editing, choir/worship band, chancel guild, reading, Bell Ringer, Club Matt teacher

Perceiving - Gift Groups, special discussions, Inclusion working groups, men’s breakfast or ladies' lunch, coffee hours, Writing (blog, Matt’s Media, testimonial book), family ministry, prayer ministry, server, Youth Group Leader, Messy Church, 

By Types

ESTJ - Welcoming, Club Matt Teacher, Choir

ESTP - Coffee Hour, advertising, Gift Groups, Children’s talks

ESFJ - Welcoming, friends for friends, Reader, 

ESFP - Friends for friends, Youth Group Leader, Inclusion Working Group

ENTJ - Club Matt Teacher, Chairing meetings

ENTP - Messy Church Leader, Server, Gift Groups

ENFJ - Worship Band, Lay annointing

ENFP - Ladies Lunch or Men’s Breakfast, advertising

ISTJ - Special Event Hospitality, Bell Ringer

ISTP - Tech, Christian Foundations, Gift Groups

ISFJ - Beyond Soup, Synod Delegate

ISFP - Prayer Ministry, Writing, Inclusion working Group

INTJ - Special Event Hospitality, Christian Foundations, Chancel Guild

INTP - Writing, Tech, Gift Groups

INFJ - Worship Band, Lay administration (communion)

INFP - Prayer Ministry, Special discussions

Ministries Separated By General Area

Worship: Choir, Praise Band, Lay Administrators, Lay Readers, Anointers, Intercessors, Chancel Guild, Servers, Bell Ringers, Prayer Ministry

Family: Children's Talk, Club Matt, Messy Church, Youth Group

Communications: Tech Team, Matt’s Media, photos, postering, blog, testimonial book, secretary or chair parish council, Synod Delegates

Hospitality: Special events, Friends of Friends, Ladies Lunch, Men’s Breakfast, Coffee Hours, Welcoming, Beyond Soup

Discipleships: Special discussions, Christian Foundations, Gift Groups/Bible Studies, Inclusion activities, the Indigenous working group


An Advent Prayer Calendar (Copy)


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