How to take that next step in prayer

Written By Rev. Philip Stonhouse

When it comes to prayer, I have a few recommendations :

  1. Even when you are praying alone, pray out loud. It helped me to start to put words to the thoughts that were in my head in a way that was easily communicated. It also felt like my prayers became more real (if that makes sense)

  2. Remember that ultimately prayer is a conversation with God. It does not have to be perfect. It can have pauses and silence. It can be informal. I remember someone praying, "God we really like you" and thinking that was a really special prayer

  3. Reading the Psalms. These are prayers/hymns written and shared throughout much of Israel's history and Christian history. They are first an invitation to pray like this. Some of the Psalms are prayers of remembrance, some of lament, some of need, some of anger, and much more. I have often borrow words from the psalms as they speak better than I can.

  4. Lastly, try. If we are praying in a group and all we can get out is guide us, or God you are great, or a thank you. That is enough. Scripture tells us that even when we don't know what to say, the Spirit prays with us and God knows what we need even before we ask, but of course, it is important that we keep turning to him to ask.


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