Lifting Up Wounded Humanity

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Bible Study: Acts 1:1-11, Psalm 121, Luke 24:44-53

Acts 1:1-11

  1. What is similar between the beginning of Acts and Luke? What does this tell you about its authorship and purpose?

  2. Why does Luke end with the ascension and Acts begin with it? What changes in the story? What changes for those following Jesus?

  3. Why was it important that Jesus spent so much time with the disciples between his resurrection and ascension? (Look at Luke 24:44-53 also)

  4. What is significant about the number 40? What can this tell us about this transition time?

  5. What does Jesus’ ascension mean for the Kingdom of God (anywhere where God reigns)?

  6. What does it mean that Jesus didn’t die first, but was lifted up in his wounded body to become one with the Father in heaven? 

  7. How does the ascension relate to the giving of the Holy Spirit? How does our baptism relate to the giving of the Holy Spirit?

  8. How will Jesus Christ come again? What does it mean that it will be different than the second time?

Digging Deeper

  1. Do you have a hard time imagining eternity?

  2. What does it mean for you that God experiences your pain? That God loves you enough to bear the wounds of love for eternity?

  3. Do you feel like God is close? Do you feel like he is empowering you? What makes this difficult at times?

  4. Why is it important to you that Jesus comes again? Is it? Does it scare you or bring you comfort?


The Breath of God (Ruah)


Bravely Doing the Work of Christ