Bravely Doing the Work of Christ

Bible Study:

Readings: 2 Timothy 1:6-14, Psalm 105:1-11, 43-45, Matthew 28:11-20 -

2 Timothy 1:6-14

  1. What is the reason? Look back a few verses

  2. What is Paul urging Timothy to do? How would this change how we or Timothy live?

  3. How are we saved? What does this mean about our work now?

  4. According to Paul what is God been leading us into?

  5. Why does Paul find such trust and hope even while imprisoned?

  6. Why is the Holy Spirit important in this work?

Matthew 28:11-20

  1. Why would the guards, the elders, religious leaders and many jewish people lie about what happened to Jesus? (Remember they would have all experienced the earthquake, the sun going dark and the raising of the dead that happened earlier in Matthew)

  2. Why do you think some disciples doubted even as they were with Jesus?

    1. What does this mean?

  3. Why are they praising Jesus in this moment?

  4. What does it mean that Jesus has been given all authority in earth and heaven? What does it mean for us then that he is with us?

  5. Why is Jesus’ command to make disciples, baptise and teach his commandments so important? Especially in light of the good news of his resurrection? (Remember this ends the gospel of Matthew)

  6. Why is it important that people are baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? What does this mean vs. an alternative?

Digging Deeper:

  1. Can you think of times when you doubted, or were ashamed of the gospel, or when you put up with the status quo?

    1. Why did you do this?

  2. How could Jesus’ resurrection give you courage to face anything?

  3. Can you remember any time where you acted out in courage, even though you were scared or worried?

  4. What are some of the ways you have gotten to know God? 

  5. What has increased your faith?

  6. What are some ways that you might help others in getting to know God or meeting him in the first place?


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