The Breath of God (Ruah)

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Bible Study: Genesis 2:7-20, Psalm 104:24-30, Ezekial 37:1-14

Background: The word for the Holy Spirit in Hebrew is Ruah which is translated to mean wind, breath, and spirit.  The Holy Spirit is all of these things and more.

Genesis 2:7-20

  1. How does God create the first human?

  2. Do you think there is any correlation between the breath of life and the tree of life? If so what?

  3. How is the human meant to relate to the garden and God?

  4. Why would eating from the tree of knowledge mean death? How does this relate to God’s breath of life?

  5. Why does Adam need a companion and divine helper? Why is this fundamental?

  6. Extra: How does this second creation story relate to the first? What is different? What is this one highlighting?

 Psalm 104:24-30, 

  1. Vs 29 - How does the face of God relate to the breath of all living things?

  2. How does the Holy Spirit relate to creation and renewal?

Ezekial 37:1-14

  1. We are told that the valley of dry bones is an image of Israel, why do you think a valley of bones was God’s representation of them? Do you think this relates at all to our time and culture?

  2. What does God do with these bones? Why does he use Ezekial’s voice to do it?

  3. What are they without the breath? How does this relate to our relationship with God and his breath? 

  4. How does this prophecy offer Israel and our time hope?

Digging deeper:

  1. How do you relate to your breath?

  2. When you purposefully breathe, what do you experience? 

  3. Can you think of a time when your breath became strained? Why? What did this do to you?

  4. How do these experiences of the breath relate to your relationship with God’s breath of life?

  5. When can the wind be scary? When can the wind be comforting?

  6. How do these relate to our relationship with the Wind of God?


Fire and the Holy Spirit


Lifting Up Wounded Humanity