Our Redeemed Purpose

Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8, Psalm 30, John 21:1-25

  Isaiah 6:1-8

1)     What does Isaiah think about his being brought into heaven? Why is he scared?

2)     What would you think if you were drawn up into heaven, and you saw these angels and felt the shaking?

3)     How was Isaiah’s response appropriate for all of us? Why was the hot coal on his lips essential and important to what comes later?

4)     What was Isaiah’s calling and how does it relate to what comes before?

John 21:1-25

1)     Why do you think the disciples go back to fishing two weeks after they saw the risen Christ?

2)     What do you think the significance is that these professional fishermen didn’t catch anything all night and then suddenly with Jesus’ help caught more than they could carry?

3)     What do you think they would have thought when a stranger told them to throw their net again?

4)     Why does Peter jump and swim to get to Jesus?

5)     Do you think there is any significance to Jesus already cooking before they bring anything to him?

6)     Why do you think Jesus asks Peter three times, “Do you love me?”

7)     What are the differences/similarities in Jesus’ commands? How does this relate to humanity’s general calling or Peter’s particular calling?

8)     Why does Peter care about what will happen to John? Why does Jesus dismiss this?

Think about:

1)     What do you think God’s purpose for humanity is? Relate your thoughts to God’s blessings for humanity in Genesis 1 and 2

2)     Is there anything that you think God is calling you to?

3)     Reflect on the gifts God has given you: the people, relationships, situations, skills and stuff. Are there ways that you could be using those gifts to bless others or to build up the blessings in them?

4)     What are some things you should do when you are feeling stuck?

5)     Do you ever compare what God has given you with what someone else has? Why is this unhelpful?

6)     Are there things about you or your life that you don’t think are gifts or blessings? What could you do to make them blessings?

7)     When we don’t know how to use our gifts, or don’t see them for the gifts they are, or when we feel stuck, why is the resurrected Christ and Holy Spirit essential?

a.      What can we do to invite them into all we do?




Bravely Doing the Work of Christ


Believing is More than Seeing