Believing is More than Seeing

Sermon to be preached

Bible Study: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10, Psalm 91, John 20:19-31

John 20:19-31

  1. Why do the disciples lock themselves inside?

  2. What do you think it means that Jesus appears inside the closed house twice?

  3. Why do you think seeing Jesus changes their fear to joy? Does this relate to our seeing or knowing Jesus in life?

  4. Why do you think Thomas can’t believe the experience of his disciples?

    1. Why was it important for him to see and touch Jesus?

  5. Jesus basically repeats Thomas’ words back to him when he appears. Why do you think he does this? What does it mean?

  6. How could someone be more blessed for believing without seeing?

  7. What does this speak to us today?

2 Corinthians 5:1-10

  1. What is Paul talking about when he is talking about the tent?

  2. What do you imagine this building from God to be like?

  3. Does Paul mean by this that we are waiting for a purely spirit afterlife? (Relate to Revelation 21:1-3)

  4. What is the burden that we groan under? (Relate first to the text (vs 4), before looking at our experiences, but then feel free to relate your experience to what the text is pointing us to)

  5. Who has prepared us for this new home? And how?

  6. How is the Spirit a guarantee of this new home and life?

  7. Why does Paul believe we have reasons to be confident?

  8. What does it mean to find our home in the body vs. home in the Lord?

  9. How can we walk by faith and not by sight? What would this look like in our choices and how we live?

  10. Why do we want to please God? (Within the text and without)

  11. Why is it important that Jesus comes to judge all the good and the bad?


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