The Potent Presence of God

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Readings: 2 Peter 1:16-21, Psalm 27, Luke 24:36-49

Bible Study

2 Peter 1: 16-21

1.   What things convinced Peter that Jesus was God’s Son?

2.   In v 17 Peter uses the words: HonourGlory, and Majesty --- “For he received honor and glory from God the Father when that voice was conveyed to him by the Majestic Glory”. How do these terms help us think about Christ’s life here on earth?

3.   From vs 19-20 What can (should) the scriptures do for us?

4.   How can we understand the scriptures?

Luke 24: 33b-49

5.   Describe the scene the two who traveled with Jesus on the road to Emmaus encountered when they got back to Jerusalem.

6.   When Jesus entered the “Upper Room” what was the response of the disciples gathered there?

7.   What evidence did Jesus provide to help them understand that he was risen?

8.   What was the task they were given and how would they carry it out? How did they have to change to be able to do that task?


A.   How do we reflect Christ’s HonourGlory, and Majesty and why is that  important to our world?

B.   In what ways are we like the disciples in the “Upper Room”?

C.   What are the resources Christ promises to help us, as we work in our day, at the task he left to all of his followers? How do we have to change to be able to do that task?

D.  How can we be the beacon of light Peter refers to (2 Peter 1: 19)?

E.   When have you been aware of Jesus (Holy Spirit) interacting with you?


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