What Unites Us

Questions: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

  1. What unites us? (Vs 13) 

    1. How is this a really unity vs. just having something in common?

  2. Why does this image of the body as compared to our unity in Christ ring true for you?

  3. Do you ever compare yourselves with others? (Vs. 15, 16) Take some time to think about what situations or people you do this most with.

    1. What are some of the reasons you say you don’t belong, when others do? 

    2. Why is this ultimately untrue?

  4. What would a community be like if everyone was the same? (Vs. 17-20)

    1. Why is difference an essential part of the Christian community and ultimately meeting Jesus? 

  5. In what ways do we depend on one another? (Vs. 21)

    1. Can you think of a time when you have depended on someone you never expected?

  6. Are there parts of your body, which seem like less or are shameful? (Vs. 22-26)

    1. God reminds us that they are indispensable and deserving of greater honour

    2. How does this relate to how we relate to one another?

  7. In Paul’s vision what are some of things we are all supposed to work towards? (Vs. 27-31)

    1. What are the greatest roles and why should we seek them most?

    2. How do these roles work with our differences?


God Makes the Greatest Difference


The Wisemen - Unity in Diversity