God Makes the Greatest Difference

Luke 4:14-21

What preempted/prepared a foundation for Jesus' ministry in this passage and the gospel of Luke?

What is the source of what Jesus said? (Look for a footnote). Why was what Jesus said revolutionary? 

What would this new hope and upheaval have meant for those that weren't poor, or prisoners etc.? 

1 Corinthians 12:1-11

What are some of the things that lead us astray today?

Why is it important to know the Holy Spirit is in you? Why is our recognizing Jesus as Lord an adequate test of this?

What does it mean to you that all of our gifts and service come from the same Spirit?

Is there anything about yourself that you find it hard thinking about as a gift? Can you imagine how it might be a gift for someone else or for serving someone else?

How do our God given gifts make us different, but essential to one another?

Looking back on your life and your current gifts and situation what special gift do you think God may be intending for you? (Take some time to pray about this over the coming weeks and months)

How might you begin to lean into these Spirit filled gifts? 


Full-filling Love


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