The Wisemen - Unity in Diversity

Differences in God’s Church

Some Discussion Questions for the Week of January 10

Looking at the texts:

Matthew 2:1-12

1.     Why is this star so important? What does it mean that these Wisemen see a star rising, leading, and then stop? What did it mean to them? What would it mean to you? 

2.     Why do you think the Wise Men come to Herod to find this newborn king? Or do they? Why were Herod and the people scared of this “new born king of the Jews”? Why weren’t the Wise Men afraid? What does this suggest to us about how division is created?

3.     Why do you think Herod didn’t go with them? If he had gone, do you think this would have changed anything?

4.     It says they find Jesus in a house, probably not the manger; where have you imagined Jesus was living?  

5.     Why do you think these Wise Men travel so far, leaving their family, their kingdoms, to bring expensive and heavy gifts to a baby born in a foreign country to ordinary parents? What does this tell you about them, about Jesus, and about us?

6.     Summarize all of the roles, origins and beliefs represented in this event.

Read Ephesians 3: 1-12

7.     How do the “Wise Men” represent what is stated in v. 6?

8.     What is Paul’s place in God’s big plan?

9.     What is the role of the church in God’s plan? v.10

Further reflection:

A.    Why is diversity in the church so important?

B.    How can we embrace differences in our church?

C.    How is this important in our neighbourhood?


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