Advent Bible Study on Presence (3-weeks)

Written By Dawn Mercer and Rev. Philip Stonhouse

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Introduction videos:

After months of various levels of physical distancing, let’s take time this Advent to think about the gift of God’s presence with us in His Son, Jesus, and what that means for us and our community.

November 21st: The Power of God’s Presence

Video Introduction

Question from the video:  

If we really trust God enough to let him come to us in all of His power and glory, what kind of difference could that make in our lives?                

Looking into the text  

Luke 1:67-69

1.        Look closely at vs. 67-69 – How are the Father, Son and Holy Spirit visibly present in this text? Why do you think God’s personal presence is a precursor to everything that follows in vs. 70-75?

2.       In what way has God been trustworthy to His people? What does that reflect about God’s love for us?

3.       In vs. 76-79, what does Zachariah understand the role of his son, John, to be?

a.       How do we see this in the ministry of John the Baptist?

(See Luke 3:1-20)

b.      In what way is this a call for us? How can we each “prepare the way”?

4.       What is the result of “God’s tender mercy” (v. 78) for us, metaphorically and in practice?

a.       Why was John important to this result? Why are we important to what God is doing? (Remember we are often called the body of Christ, or His family)


Pray for eyes to see and know God’s presence and ears to hear his promises and to understand how he will fulfill them. Pray that we may be instruments in preparing God’s way into hearts and lives.

What does this mean for us everyday?

A.      Recall a time when you experienced God’s love? How does the experience help you pass along God’s love to others?

B.      Why is it important that God becomes flesh and dwells among us? How has someone’s personal presence made a difference for you in the past? Relate these two ideas.

C.      As we lift up our prayers to God, His powerful presence works among us. How have you seen God answer prayers?

During the week:

Take some time in this week in a public place and pray for those people and situations that you see and don’t see.

This could be at a park or at work or a coffee shop, or you could go for a walk in your neighborhood. Invite God to become present and known in these situations and to these people. We know how powerful and lifegiving God’s presence is, so we know that these prayers are powerful tools for change. If you see a way you might become involved in an answer to prayer, ask God to help you discern a way forward and to act courageously.

November 28th: Bearing God

Video Introduction

Question from the video:  

Are you willing to carry all of God’s presence? Is there something in your faith that feels like a burden, but might actually lead to life?            

Looking into the text  

Luke 1: (38) 39 – 45 Mary and Elizabeth

Background: Elizabeth was actually Mary's aunt, sister of Anna, Mary's mother.

1.        What amazing event happened at the meeting of Mary and Elizabeth? What happened to Elizabeth?

a.      What does this tell us about how we bear (share) Christ and the gift of His Holy Spirit?

2.       What does Elizabeth understand about Mary, the child she is bearing and why Mary is blessed?

a.      What does this tell us about the possible outcome of our faith? (Relate this to how Mary made room for Jesus later in his ministry.)

1 Corinthians 13:3-7

1.        How important is Jesus Christ to this special kind of love and why?

2.       Who do you think this love is for?

3.       What difference can this love (God’s presence) make for you, others and for any community?


If you are comfortable, share a concern that you would like prayer for, whether it is for yourself or someone else. As we pray for others, we share their burdens and invite God to move in their lives. Pray together for the requests that have been shared.

What does this mean for us every day?

A.     How important is our presence to sharing God’s love for others and experiencing His love for ourselves? (Feel free to relate this to your experiences of isolation during Covid-19 or when you are far away or have lost people you love)

B.     Throughout Scripture we see that being in community is a natural result of following Christ, and forming loving relationships. In Acts 2: 44 – 47, we see the realization of an idyllic community. What could be done to bring your relationships/ communities closer to God’s ideal for them?

During the week:

Take some time to think about this. Do you have someone in your life that you can talk to about your faith? Think about who this might be and look for a way to build this kind of relationship.

In a difficult (but also joyous) time in Mary’s life, she went to stay with Elizabeth. Even while Elizabeth was in the last few months of her pregnancy, she became a support for Mary, her faith and faithfulness. Do you have someone in your life that you can depend on to support you in your faith? Do you have someone you can trust to help you be faithful to the way of Christ, someone to confess to, to ask questions of? Are there people that you can pray with monthly or weekly? These are important relationships.


December 5th: Becoming God’s Love

Video Introduction

Question from the video:  

God’s love is transformative. Are you willing to accept God’s love in a way that brings you to a kind of ‘real’ life that you can’t have without it?

Looking into the text  

Luke 1: 46 – 55 Magnificat

Background: Mary was likely in her middle teens. Her parents had promised her for an arranged marriage to Joseph.

1.        What enables this simple village girl (teenager) to give this epic monologue that is known centuries later and around the world?

2.       What has changed for Mary?

3.       What does Mary’s song tell us about God’s presence among us? According to her song how is life being changed for many because Christ has become present.

1 John 4:7-12

1.        What does it mean that God loved us first and why is it important?

2.       How does loving one another relate to sharing Christ?  

3.       What do we have to fear if we really understand that God loves us so much that he would send His Son for us (John 3:16)? 


Take some time to think about someone you know that really needs Christ right now. Pray for discernment on what God is calling you to do and how you might share His love with that person. As a group, pray for those that come to mind whether named silently or aloud and for one another’s discernment.

What does this mean for us everyday?

A.     Give an example of how God’s presence has transformed some aspect of your life?

B.     As love is at the centre of our Christian faith, so are relationships.

How have people shared Christ with you? Are there more ways that you could share God and His love from your experience?

During the week:

Take a cross and carry it with you through the week. Find as many moments as you can, even if just for a few seconds to touch it or look at it. 

As you touch the cross, remember that Christ’s love was so great that He went to the cross for you. Think about what it means that, God the creator of everything, was willing to do even this for you.

St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, Islington

3962 Bloor Street W., Toronto, ON M9B 1M3

Tel: 416-231-4014 *


The Wisemen - Unity in Diversity


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