Full-filling Love

John 13:33-36

  1. Why is Jesus’ command to love one another, sandwiched between Jesus telling them that he is leaving? Why is it important that Jesus command this love in this moment?

  2. What does Jesus’ love look like?

  3. Why is this love special, in a way that people will know we follow Jesus Christ?

  4. Why will this love lead them to follow Jesus where he is going?

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

  1. What does the line right before this passage tell us about what is coming?

  2. Vs. 1-3 - Look at the ends of each of the first three verses. Why is love important to all of these actions? What are these things without love? What does this tell us about love?

  3. Vs. 4 - When are some times that you feel it difficult to be patient? How could loving patience transform your everyday life or the amazing actions presented in the first three verses?

  4. What does kindness mean to you? How can it be more than any of the acts presented in the first three verses? Is it ever hard to live out or to receive kindness?

  5. Vs. 5 - How is pride, self-seeking, dishonour, recording wrongs and envy oppositional to love? How are they related to one another?

  6. Why are truth and evil oppositional in this sentence? Why would love always find joy in the truth?

  7. Vs. 7 -  remember the always as it applies to each of those words. What would it look like to always do these things, in ever situation, for every person?

  8. Vs. 8 - Have you experienced a time when it felt like love failed? Why is that? What does it mean that this special kind of love given by God with live forever?

  9. Vs. 9-11 - What are we still waiting for completeness in?

  10. Vs. 12 - How does love relate to knowing, being known, seeing face to face?


Lenten Object Devotionals (using household items)


God Makes the Greatest Difference