The Fiery Presence of God - Moses - Kids version

This was a special service because we had the children’s pageant and the kids stayed up the whole service

Exodus 3:1-12 - The Burning Bush

We just heard a strange and fantastical story about Moses and a fiery tree.

Some of you might remember that we talked about fire in the last messy church, does anyone remember what fire tells us about God?

Light – shows the way, reveals the darkness, guides, makes safe

Heat – warms, comforts, keeps alive (problem, too hot)

Smoke – rises with our prayers

But let’s look at this story.

Here he was taking care of his sheep, crossing through a mountain pass.

First start by imagining Moses, brown skin curly brown hair and beard, long flowing sandy grey robe, carrying a long staff with a wood hooked portion called a crook.

Then there was the herd of sheep around him. What sound would they have been making? Some would have followed him closely some needed a little more guidance. Maybe a dog would help keep them with the group, or maybe Moses would have to use that hooked staff to pull them back.

Now he was crossing through a mountain pass. It would have probably been rocky with only patches of grass and shrubs. There would be nothing to protect him from the wind and it was probably cold.

Except in the midst of this empty and cold landscape he sees a blazing fire that has engulfed a bush. It was obviously both a large bush and fire as Moses sees the fire at a distance and not the smoke.

He sees something really strange though. This blazing fire doesn’t seem to be diminishing and it doesn’t seem to be burning up the tree. Why would this be so strange?

If I was to light this match and hold onto it, what would happen? Let’s try. What happened?

The match burns up and it would have burnt my fingers too.

Except that didn’t happen with the bush. How could this be possible? What do we find out about this bush?

It is Holy ground, God is there. He speaks to Moses through the fire.

Somehow this great blazing fire on a tree that is not burned up, tell us about God’s ultimate, powerful presence. Does this great and powerful presence of God dwelling in a little and weak thing remind you of anything?

It kind of reminds me of the glory and power of God, the creator of the universe dwelling in a little baby. Somehow that little baby Jesus can both be a little weak creature and the great and powerful God. It almost seems as impossible as a tree that is not burned up.

God’s presence appears as fire for Moses and the rest of Israel often. There is this great pillar of fire that guides them through the night and wilderness. There is a fire that punishes them. There is the fire on the top of the mountain that gives them the law and teaches them how to live. God is consistently preparing us for what his presence with us will mean in Jesus Christ.

But God’s presence in the fire is also trying to teach us what his presence will mean for each of us too.

Does anyone here ever feel like they aren’t good enough at something? Sometimes I don’t feel like I am smart enough or thoughtful enough to do all the important business of the church. Or sometimes I don’t feel like I have enough energy or capacity to speak into people’s lives.

Moses felt the same way. God wanted to use Moses to save Israel out of Egypt, but Moses didn’t think people would believe him. He didn’t think he was a good enough speaker. He didn’t think he was good enough or capable enough. In many ways, he was right. He felt like and was like this unlit candle. He was something, but he still lacked something to give light, to bring warm and to show the way. Moses needed to be ignited by God.

What do you think Moses was lacking? What do you think this candle is lacking? What do you think we are lacking?

Come light your candle

The amazing thing is that even though Moses was lacking a lot, even though he was only a single man, when he was ignited by the presence of God, he had the power to save Israel out of slavery to Egypt, a great and powerful nation. Moses had the power to help them walk through the Red Sea, to be fed in the desert, to find there way, to overcome great battles and so much more.

Here was God’s powerful presence and voice working through a human and yet even Moses knew that there would be an even great prophet and guide who would rise up. We see that great presence of God and man come to us in Jesus.


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