God Enters into Our Lives and Culture - 3-Part talk - Christmas Eve Family Service

The structure of this service is a little different, which means that the regular sermon has a different structure as well.

God Enters into Mary and Joseph’s lives

Luke 2:1-7

Unlike modern books, Scripture is sometimes ambiguous, it leaves a lot of space for us to imagine and to enter in.

Who were Joseph and Mary? Grew up in the church/synagogue, living out their lives, preparing to be married - a lot like any of us

Angels - dreams - can you imagine it? What were they thinking or feeling? What would you think or feel if it happened to you?

Census - the government demanded them to leave their home - Nazareth to Bethlehem - while pregnant - 4 days walking - What were they thinking or feeling? What would you think or feel if it happened to you?

Giving birth in a manger - dirt, no doctors, animals, cold, dark, no pain medication - What were they thinking or feeling? What would you think or feel if it happened to you?

Yet Mary and Joseph knew what it all actually meant. Mary sings a song about it and knows that even with all of the difficulty this baby Jesus means so much for them and the world.

God enters into the lives of the Shepherds

The Angels appear to the Shepherd - Lianne Thompson will lead


Who were these shepherds?

What would this have meant to them?

The angelic host? A baby? The hope of a newborn king?

What did it mean for others?


God continues to come and change our cultures and live

Jesus revolution trailer


This is a story about how Jesus entered into a new generation and spoke to them. What did it mean for them? Welcoming, connecting across generations, answers, a home, community, stability, challenging hardened hearts, changing culture, people connecting with God, and more. This was the 60’s, but now we are 50 some years later.

What does it mean for Jesus to come now? How could his hope speak new into today’s world? What could it mean for Jesus to come into your life?


A King is Born - A Descendent of King David and a Child of God - Christmas Eve


The Fiery Presence of God - Moses - Kids version