Litany for Rogation Sunday

By Rev. Michael Stonhouse

Creator God, we thank you for your awesome creation, for the seed, the soil, the water, the seasons of the year and the cycle of nature.

Lord, in your mercy… Hear our prayer.

Walk with those who till, plant, and care for fields, pastures, gardens and orchards that they may be strengthened by your constant presence in all their labors.

Lord, in your mercy… Hear our prayer.

Give us favorable weather and growing conditions that our farming efforts may not be in vain.

Lord, in your mercy… Hear our prayer.

May the hungry be fed and may we always be mindful of their needs and wants. May governments around the world make good and wise decisions regarding their people and the food they need.

Lord, in your mercy… Hear our prayer.

Keep us aware and sensitive to the needs of our farmers and their families. May they have a fair return for their efforts.

Lord, in your mercy… Hear our prayer.

Bless all those who work in related agricultural businesses and those who are involved in the handling and sale of our agricultural products.

Lord, in your mercy… Hear our prayer.

We pray for all those who are hospitalized, institutionalized or homebound, especially those who have asked us to pray for them. Touch them with your healing hands. Fill them with your comfort and hope.

Lord, in your mercy… Hear our prayer.

Give peace and strength to those who are bearing painful, heartbreaking burdens, and show us how we might be of assistance to them.

Lord, in your mercy… Hear our prayer.

All this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.


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