Christmas Litany

By Rev. Michael Stonhouse

Sisters and brothers, we have received the greatest of all gifts, the gift of the Word made flesh. All other gifts are but small tokens of this unsurpassable gift. From ever grateful hearts, let us pray for people everywhere, especially those who long for this the greatest of gifts, saying

Lord, hear our prayer.

That the peace proclaimed by angels in the shepherds’ fields might be realized in every land and in every heart…

‘Lord, hear our prayer.’

That the child born to us this night in a lowly stable might open our hearts to the needs of the poor, hungry and homeless…

‘Lord, hear our prayer.’

That this time of gift-giving might find a wider expression in the self-giving of ourselves to those in need…

‘Lord, hear our prayer.’

That the one born to be the great physician might help, heal and relieve those who are suffering pain, disease or affliction of any sort…

‘Lord, hear our prayer.’

That this time of rejoicing might lead us to a deeper communion with you and with each other and with all those who have gone before…

‘Lord, hear our prayer.’


Litany for Good Shepherd Sunday


Litany for Rogation Sunday