Reading Great Literature

Meditation Nov 11th by Rev. Michael Stonhouse

While few of us, clergy included, can probably be an expert, at least that is, in the same category as Ezra, I like to think that all of us can attain to a level of knowledge and intimacy with God that we probably never dreamt possible. I was just reading a commentary on the writing of Harry Potter and how its author had saturated herself with the reading of the great classics of English literature. He intimated that the reading of great books has a way of shaping our thinking and transforming our character and personality. While this may well be true of other written works, I think that it is far truer when it comes to the Bible. If we continually read it, study it, meditate upon it and pray over it, we gradually are transformed and gradually come to know and appreciate God in ways we could never imagine. I happen to think that anyone can do this, no matter who they are. So, where Ezra has led the way, all of us can follow.


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