God Responds (Bible Study)


Luke 11:5-10, 37-54, Psalm 69:1-6, 13-18


Luke 11:5-10

  1. What is the context for this story? How does it relate to prayer and spending time with God in the Mary and Martha story?

  2. Vs. 5-6 Jesus uses the the example of friend. Does God have even more reason to hear us then a friend, why? What is God to us? What are we to him?

  3. Why would you ask for 3 loaves of bread? What is the need, especially in Jesus’ day? Would this of been extravagant? Why?

  4. Would you be willing to do this for a visitor or a stranger? Do you do this with God?

  5. Vs. 7 Is this a good reason your friend gives?

  6. Vs. 8 What are the two reasons that this friend would give you bread? Does this mean that God wouldn’t respond out of love? 

  7. Why is God’s name and image important for us and others?

  8. Notice in this story that the friend is being asked on behalf of another, what does this tell us about our own prayer?

  9. Vs. 9-10 Do you believe this? 

  10. Does this mean that God will provide in the exact way we want?

  11.  What should we be looking for? What door is God talking about? How do these help us understand how and what we should be asking for?

Luke 11:37-54, 

  1. Vs. 37-41 There was a human tradition in Israel that people washed their hands to be ceremonial clean. Why might we be worried about the washing of hands?

  2. What is Jesus more concerned about? Why is this even more important?

  3. During Covid-19, we did learn a lot about germs and washing, but how was it even more important that people lived and acted in a certain way? How does this relate to the inward cleanliness Jesus is talking about?

  4. Vs. 42 How does God want us to give back to him? 

  5. Vs. 43 Why did they feel insulted? Why was this both difficult but important?

  6. Vs. 44 What does it mean that they are like unmarked graves that people step over? What does this say about the pharisees and the people doing it?

  7. Vs. 46 How can the law be putting a burden on people, even God’s law? What does it mean to help people with this load? Why is this important?

  8. Vs. 47-49 How are they testifying and approving what their ancestors did? How do they follow in their ancestor’s footsteps? Why?

  9. Vs. 50-51 Why would all of this blood be on them? How does this relate to their inability to see God’s kingdom at hand? How does this relate to Jesus’ death? 

  10. Vs. 52 What do you think the key of knowledge is that the experts of the law took away? What is it they are meant to enter into? How have they neither shared it or entered in?

  11. Vs. 37-52 What are some of the things that are important to these religious leaders, but what is even more important to Jesus?

  12. Vs. 53-54 Why would this lead them to oppose, besiege and try to trick Jesus? What does this say about them? 

  13. What does all of this say about the common sins of humanity and even religious leaders?

  14. How does this relate to God answering prayers? How are we meant to take part in this?

Psalm 69:1-6, 13-18

  1. Have you ever fealt like this? 

  2. This is written by King David, who God was continuously faithful to. What can this tell us about our won prayers, experience and hope?

  3. How is this psalm both a statement of faith and struggle?

  4. Listen to Oceans and relate your feelings from that song to this psalm.


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