How to Be Productive (Bible Study)

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Luke 12:13-21, 13:1-9, Psalm 92:1-8, 12-15


Luke 12:13-21

  1. Vs. 13 - Why would this man go to Jesus to dispute a settlement? (Moses, Kings and prophets were often asked to settle disputes)

  2. Vs. 14 - Why does Jesus not see this as part of his role (at this moment)?

  3. Vs. 15 - Why must we be on our guard or take care? Why does Jesus make it sound like an attack?

  4. What are different kinds of greed?

  5. What does life consist of?

  6. Vs. 16-19 - What did the man decide to do because of the good harvest? Does this seem prudent to you?

  7. What is different between this story and Joseph storing the harvest in Egypt? (Genesis 41:41-57) Is this important?

  8. Why did the man feel like he could relax? Would you? What did the man think he would do with his time?

  9. Vs. 20-21 - What was this man missing in his line of thought? Was there something else he could have been doing?

  10. How can you be rich in God?

Luke 13:1-9

  1. Vs. 1-5 - Why would people look at these people who died and think they did something wrong? Do we ever think this? Why is this not true?

  2. Jesus repeats, “No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish just as they did.” What is Jesus trying to tell us about death and reality of our sin by telling these stories and repeating this statement?

  3. Vs. 6-9 - Why would this land owner be angry at the fig tree? Remember this is a time when people depended on the harvest to live.

  4. What does this tell us about our place/our purpose in God’s garden? 

  5. Are we ever a waste of nutrients or worse? Does this sound harsh? Where is God in this story?

  6. What the gardeners plan? How is this mercy? How did the gardener do everything he could to save the fig tree?

  7. How does the fig tree story relate to the stories about the two groups that died?


Psalm 92:1-8, 12-15

  1. Vs. 1-4 - Why is it good to praise God like this?

  2. Have you ever experienced God’s steadfast love and faithfulness? Do you recognize it day and night?

  3. Why does music play an important part in praise or your praise?

  4. Can you see the work of God? Where? How can seeing it lead to gladness?

  5. Vs. 5-6 - Do you think God’s knowledge and works are so vast?

  6. What are things that you still don’t understand? What are things to wonderful to understand?

  7. Vs. 7-8 - How does this reflection on evil relate to God’s glory and praiseworthy character? Why can we sometimes be uncomfortable with this idea?

  8. Vs. 12-14 - Why is it important that the righteous are lifted up? Do we feel like this is always the case?

  9. How is bounty related to being in the house of God? Why is this an important part of a righteous reward?

  10. Vs. 15 - 


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God Responds (Bible Study)