One as the Father and Son are One

Bible Study

1 Corinthians 1:10-13

Why does Paul call the Corinthians brothers and sisters? (They aren’t all Jewish or related)

Why do you think the Corinthians followed each of these leaders? (Note Cephas is most likely Peter)

Why was it such a problem that people considered themselves followers of each leader? How does this relate to the unity that Paul begins with?

What are some things/people that you have put your allegiance or belonging to before Jesus Christ? Why and how does this become a problem for you or others?

How could we ever be perfectly united in mind and thought?

John 17:20-26

20 - Why does Jesus see it as important to pray for his friends, but also those that would believe through them?

21 - How are the Father and Son one? What does that tell us about the unity we are meant for?

21 - How can we be “in” God? How would this promote Jesus’ being sent by the Father to the world?

22 - What glory has God given Jesus and now Jesus has given us? How does this create unity?

23 - How does unity show the world the love of the Father for the Son and their love for us?

24 - Is Jesus asking for the future or now? What does being with Jesus mean for you?

24 - What does it mean for God and for creation that the Father loved the Son before anything was created?

25-26 - How is God made known? 

  • Why was he not known till now? 

  • Why is it so important for God to be known?


Making an Image


Seek the Things that are Above