Making an Image

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Readings: Exodus 20:1-6, Psalm 135:15-18, Matthew 6:19-24

Bible Study

Exodus 20:1-6,

Why is this the first commandment? Why is it so important?

Why does God shape this commandment with what he has already done for them?

What does it mean to make something else in the form of something else? Is that thing that you have made the original? Can it do the same things?

How does ancient idol creation/worship relate to our idolization today?

Why does God not want us to create these things/worship them? How does this relate to the first commandment?

How does God’s list of things not to duplicate relate to creation in Genesis 1? What does this tell us about these things?

Psalm 135:15-18,

What were these ancient idols physically? How does this relate to our spiritual and personal relationship with them?

Why is anything other than God a fickle thing to depend on?

Matthew 6:19-24

What does it mean to treasure something?

What are some of the things you have treasured other than God? Why are they important to you?

Have you ever put these treasures before God? What and why?

What happens when you lose the things you treasure? What would be different if God was the primary thing/person you treasure? What would that do for your heart?

How do light and blindness in this passage relate to our treasure?

What in your life, has ever blinded you? What have you let become so important to you that you missed other things around you?

Why can it be such a problem to make things or even people the things you look to most?

If God is our light, the one who brings light into everything, what difference would it make if let him fill our vision?

Have you ever felt like you weren’t in control, like something in your life has mastered you? Was this hard or difficult? If so, how?

Have you ever been sure of a solution and got it wrong? Have you ever felt trapped in your weaknesses or limitations? Maybe skills, time, energy or something else.

What do your previous responses tell you about becoming your own master?

Has your belief, or desire or vision of other things/self ever made you resist God, or his commands? What walls have you put up that get in the way of a greater relationship and obedience to God?

How could making God our master be more freeing and life-giving then anything or anyone else?


Lent Bible Study: Re-Turning to Christ: Building Upon the Strong Foundation (5-weeks)


One as the Father and Son are One