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How is Unity Ever Possible?

Today we look at how we can actually find a shared voice, shared mind in God

The Readings are Acts 2.1 and John 14.15

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How Could We Ever Serve God

Today we look at how everything is God's and it is only of his graciousness that we have life and being. In light of that how we can we truly give back and serve him.

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Phil house Phil house

Ask in Jesus' Name and It Shall Be Given

Today we look at how God calls us to ask him for what we need and desire

The Readings are James 1.22 and John 16.23 - Psalm 119 part 12-15

You can find the service at:

The service begins on pg 4 or 60 on the pdf and generally moves forward from there

Our hymns for today are #398 Let Us with a Gladsome Mind #403 Let All Things Now Living and #425 Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

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Phil house Phil house

The Only Lasting Thing

Today we look at how everything in this world can change and so there is only one bedrock in which to build our lives so that we might find peace and rest.

The Readings are James 1.17 and John 16.5 - Psalm 119 part 9-11

Our hymns for today are #505 Be Thou My Vision #259 For the Fruit of All Creation and #508 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say

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Phil house Phil house

No Pain No Gain?

Today we look at how we an the world are often more fruitful through pain.

The Readings are 1 Peter 2.11 and John 16.16 - Psalm 119 part 5-8

Our hymns for today are #212 Alleluia! The Strife is O'er #220 Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen and #520 The King of Love My Shepherd Is

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Phil house Phil house

Becoming Like Our Good Shepherd

Today we look at who we often become when we do not listen to our good shepherd: the sheep gone astray, the hired hand, or the wolf. Then we look at how through Christ we might become like him, one that cares for the fold.

The Readings are 1 Peter 4.19 and John 10.11 - Psalm 119 part1-4

Our hymns for today are #205 The Day of Resurrection #293 Your Hands, O Lord, in Days of Old and #319 Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs

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Phil house Phil house

Overcoming the World by Faith

Today we look at how we have overcome the world by faith. Faith is more than just mental ascent. It is a lived out reality and in that God lives in us. Then as we witness and share God moves out from us.

The Readings are 1 John 5.4 and John 20.19 - Psalm 117 and 118

You can find the service at:

The service begins on pg 4 or 60 on the pdf and generally moves forward from there

Our hymns for today are #205 The Day of Resurrection #231 That Eastertide with Joy was Bright and #216 Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem

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Phil house Phil house

A Life Raised With Christ

Today we look at what has happened to us in Christ resurrection. How we have died to what was and God now has a greater life prepared for us.

The Readings are Colossians 3.1 and John 20.1 - Psalm 115

Our hymns for today are #203 Jesus Christ is Risen Today #212 Alleluia Strife is O'er and #210 Yours Be the Glory, Risen Conquering Son

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Phil house Phil house

God Has Feelings Too

Today we look at what Jesus must have been feeling the day before his death as everyone betrays him and abandons him. In the midst of that we see that Jesus' gracious and humble love is greater than all of that.

The Readings are Isaiah 63.7 and Mark 14.1 - Psalm 114

Our hymns for today are #182 Ride On, Ride On in Majesty, #198 O Sacred Head Surrounded and #202 There is a Green Hill Far Away

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Phil house Phil house

Where We Cannot Go

Today we look at those places we cannot go. Those places we may long to go to, but something stops us, maybe we don't belong, maybe we don't work there, maybe we haven't been invited or maybe we don't have what we need. This becomes an important reminder of how we might feel separate from God's presence, but thanks to Christ and his sacrifice we have been invited in. We do belong.

The Readings are Hebrews 9.11 and Matthew 20.20

Our hymns for today are #498 How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place and #593 O God of Every Nation

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Phil house Phil house

Godly Desire - The Second Sunday in Lent

Today, we look at how every desire is rooted in something good, but without God at their centre they become something else.

The Church we explore is Wurzburg Cathedral in Bavaria, Germany

The service is just the readings and reflections

The Readings are Ephesians 5.1 and Luke 11.14

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Phil house Phil house

Seeking Holiness - The Second Sunday in Lent

Today, we look at what it means to be made Holy and why this is such an important thing for all of us.

The services is just the readings and reflections

The Readings are 1 Thessalonians 4.1 and Matthew 15.21

Today we explore - St. John's Co-Cathedral in Valletta, Malta

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Phil house Phil house

What Good is Suffering? - BCP Communion - First Sunday in Lent

Today, we look at suffering and why suffering is actually important. First, we look at why Christ suffered in the wilderness and then why and how we should suffer.

The Readings are 2 Corinthians 6:1 and Matthew 4:1

You can find the service at: The service begins on pg 4 or 60 on the pdf and generally moves forward from there

Our hymns for today are #175 40 Days and 40 Nights and Let it Be and #372 Praise to the Holiest in the Height

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Phil house Phil house

Where is Your Treasure - Ash - BCP Eucharist

Today, we look at where we put our treasure, whether on the fickle things of this world that do not last or in our heavenly Father who is eternal.

The Readings are James 4.1 or Matthew 6:16

Our hymns for today are #564 Lead Us Heavenly Father Lead Us, #72 Bread of Heaven on Thee We Feed and #592 Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life

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Phil house Phil house

Deceived - BCP Communion - 6th Sunday After Epiphany

Today, we look at some modern ways in which we in the church have often been deceived. Often the deception is both within and without. Understanding these deceptions become an important way in which we might become more like Christ

The Readings are 1 John 3.1 and Matthew 24.23

Our hymns for today are #435 Take My Life and Let it Be and #434 The Love of Jesus Calls Us

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Phil house Phil house

Bearing Fruit vs. Weeds - BCP Communion - 5th Sunday after Epiphany

Today, we look at how God has planted good things in us, but at the same time we have let the enemy plant weeds that choke out the good. What is needed repentance and a fruitful life.

The Readings are Colossians 3.12 and Matthew 13.24

Our hymns for today are #8 Awake My Soul and with the Sun and #567 Eternal Father Strong to Save

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