Where We Cannot Go

Today we look at those places we cannot go. Those places we may long to go to, but something stops us, maybe we don't belong, maybe we don't work there, maybe we haven't been invited or maybe we don't have what we need. This becomes an important reminder of how we might feel separate from God's presence, but thanks to Christ and his sacrifice we have been invited in. We do belong.

The Readings are Hebrews 9.11 and Matthew 20.20 You can find the service at: http://prayerbook.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/BCP.pdf The service begins on pg 4 or 60 on the pdf and generally moves forward from there Our hymns for today are #498 How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place and #593 O God of Every Nation


God Has Feelings Too


What is Above and Beyond? - The Fourth Sunday in Lent - BCP Communion