Children’s Sermon: Divine Performance (Remembrance)
Why is it important to remember something?
Why is it important to remember to brush your teeth?
Or not to touch the hot stove?
Okay, from a different side, why is it important to remember your parents?
Why is it important to remember someone who has died?
Or someone who made a difference in your life?
We are told to remember God and all that he has done throughout history. We are told to remember special moments in history like Passover, Jesus’ birth, the last supper, his death, resurrection and more.
Why do you think it is important to remember Jesus and God?
Yet we do more than just remember right? What are we doing today? We act it out. We live out of this memory.
We as Christians do a kind of divine remembrance. When we are connected with God through prayer and the Holy Spirit and remember - those moments are actually brought present as God in his timeless nature becomes present.
In the strange and beautiful chaos of a Christmas pageant - we can see God entering into humanity as a little baby and know his presence and need - we can see it quite literally in you our present children who have obvious needs.
In mystery, wonder, worship and joy of Sunday services and communion - we can see God come to us in all his glory to take our hands and feed us.
In our daily lives as we struggle and love, we can see God’s struggle and love that overcame every evil and wrong and now is overcoming it in us.
We might play at a kind of pretend with Jesus, but that pretend doesn’t stay that way. God enters in and makes it a reality. Even if we are just pretending and put on the costume of Christ, after some time, what we will find is that it begins to fit more and more as we grow into it.
We don’t just play at these stories, we live them and God makes himself known and present.