The Light in Our Darkness (Blue Christmas Reflections)

Genesis 1:1-5

Reflection 1

The World was Chaotic and Void - no consistency, no substance - wild and waste

The first step God does to bring life and order is to shed light, to reveal, to show what is true and present. Oftentimes, in the midst of our chaos, what God does first is reveal the truth of it, what is actually there. He separates the light and darkness, so that truth might be known and seen, so that we might know that even in the chaos there is hope. God will bring further order, but it starts with a word of light, truth and hope.

Let's take a moment to look at the chaos that threatens to consume us and ask for God’s word and revealing light to show us the truth and hope.

Exodus 13:17-22

Reflection 2

What are you escaping from right now? Israel was escaping from long and tiring service in Egypt - slavery. In this world, we can be running away from any number of things. It might be a bad situation, it might be the reality of our grief, it might be hurt and struggle. It is important that whatever we are running from we are still following God. Even if it feels like he is taking us through the wilderness, even if it seems like the longer path, and that he is taking us to another set of chaotic waters, we must trust that he knows what he is doing. Like Israel, we might even carry bones, a mark of death, and a hopeful time lost, but God has a newer and better hope ahead. He is guiding us and protecting us from things we can’t handle. He will be our light through whatever he takes us through. We must trust that he will not leave us. We must not run away from him as well.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on what God has led us through. What scary or sad things lie behind you, with you or in front of you? What is God’s light and hope leading you to? 

Isaiah 60:1-3

Reflection 3

It can be hard to shine when you are surrounded by darkness. Our world and our lives can too easily feel consumed by this darkness. The sad truth is that just as Isaiah says, “darkness shall cover the earth”. It is very real and scary, but there is a greater truth: God’s light has risen upon you. This is not a hope. This is not a nice idea. This is a reality. The current darkness might be very true, but so is God’s light. God’s light is more potent and powerful than any darkness we may be experiencing. What’s more is God’s light wants to shine in us.

Reflect on how God is already making himself known in the situation you live in. How could you be his light and hope, even while you struggle through the darkness? 

Luke 1:46-55

Reflection 4

Mary’s song is a song of immense hope, promise and even joy, yet we may forget that Mary was about to face one of the greatest difficulties of her life. Her fiance Joseph would come close to abandoning her, her community would likely shame her and ostracise her, she would have to travel miles while pregnant and in pain. How could she have so much hope and joy? Well, she understood what God was doing. She could see past the present suffering to a far greater joy and life. She knew she was a humble and lowly woman and yet she also knew that God was doing an amazing, undeserved thing for her and for the nation. She could see beyond herself and this moment. She could even see that as God was lifting her up, he was bringing others low - God was and is reordering the discrepancies of this world. 

Reflect on your situation, but think beyond yourself to the people and world around you. Think to the future hope. What might God be doing in you and this situation to lead us to more than what we are currently experiencing? How might you suffer to carry God as Mary did, so that he might be born into this world?


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