Scary Master/Scary God - When Your Master is Terrifying

Layla and I have this game I call “Scary Master”. What I do is I make myself really big with my arms raised like a monster. I slowly move towards her like I am ready to attack. She’ll sit there and watch, but slowly as I get closer and closer her tail will start wag. Then faster and faster until she goes on her back and shows me her stomach: ready for some belly rubs. Finally, I pounce and she is attacked with love and pets. 

Looking back, I don’t know where this started and I don’t know if she was ever scared of it. I think she did run away from me at a point. Though, she still runs away if she knows she is in trouble (a reflection for another time). Yet, the interesting thing now is that I can make myself as scary, as big, make as much noise as I want, but she won’t be scared of me. Instead, she knows who I am and what I will do for her. 

It is an interesting thing to relate this to our relationship with God. God is huge and he is scary. His monstrous power and magnitude are beyond anything. Yet, when we truly know him, when we know how much he would do and has done for us, we can’t truly be scared. Instead, we should with excitement and expectation watch for his slow and deliberate coming. We should trust and humble ourselves enough to receive and share in his blessings. 

We have a scary master, but He is even more loving. 


Who do we go to for comfort?


Life is Easier Without, but Greater With