Obedience for a better life

In today's world, we don't chalk up much to obedience. We often talk about independence, self-sufficiency, freedom, and the like, yet obedience is so pivotal to our existence. How would driving exist or natural science without the consistency of obedience? We know that things can go massively wrong when people don't follow the order or things don't work as they should.

We have been training our dog. It is interesting that a dog's intelligence is usually measured by their ability to listen and follow commands, remnants of an older time. But I have also seen this in Layla too. The tricks we have taught her become a game and a way she learns. The boundaries we create teach her particularity and specialness. When I stop her or make her stay or go, I teach her about danger, kindness, and what is bad.

Outside of this, I have also seen her ingenuity but to her own detriment. I caught her hoarding cardboard and tissues inside the crevice of her bed. I told you already about how she pulled iron pills off the table, got them open, and consumed some. She will try to sneak other things while walking or in the backyard. This might seem clever, but it is always to her detriment.

The fact is that obedience makes her life better. The lines we draw, the commandments we give are meant for her health, but also for us together.

We might struggle with obedience today because there are a lot of imperfect leaders and I recognize I haven't always been the best dog dad, but it is still important. Especially with the one who always knows what is good and evil, even when we don't. We need to be obedient to God so that we might go in the right direction.

Another interesting reality is that absolute freedom isn't usually what is best for us. We don't know where to go, or what to do. In this world, most of it results in us following our desires. We can see through our work and relationships how fickle life comes without boundaries, restrictions, and obedience.

We have to want to follow through. We have to use our freedom to long for the good things of obedience rather than the quick fixes of desire. Then we need to know who to follow. We can either be a slave to our desires or a slave to the God who truly wants the best for us and others.


Who do we go to for comfort?