Phil house Phil house

Lifting Up Wounded Humanity

Have you ever experienced one of those transcendent moments that defy explanation? I won't pretend they happen often, but I have experienced them on top of mountains, praying, meditating on Scripture, during Bible studies, writing, and sometimes in the simplest moments. It is as if something beyond that moment is suddenly speaking into it in a profound way.

Thursday was Ascension day. The day we celebrate Jesus' ascension into heaven. It is not a day we talk about often, because though art can sometimes capture its grandeur our words often fail. Yet, the amazing thing is that Jesus brings his humanity with him into God, but also sends God to us in the Holy Spirit. This means more than we can really understand, but it presents to us our immense destiny, purpose, and a new found life in Christ.

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Phil house Phil house

Bravely Doing the Work of Christ

There is a lot in this world that could scare us, make us worry, or that could cause us to believe there isn't enough. This is because the world believes this to be the reality. The world believes that death is our inevitable end and it often believes that suffering is the worst thing that could happen.

We know differently. We have been faced with the reality of Jesus' suffering, death and resurrection, so we know that God can and does overcome it all. We have a better good news than the world does as reality has changed to lead us to life and bounty. The hardest part is that we need to trust this new reality enough to live into it, to have faith and follow God even when we doubt. Then we can lead others to this amazing good news as well. Join us this Sunday as we dig into the Great Commission.

God bless you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Rev. Philip Stonhouse

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Phil house Phil house

Our Redeemed Purpose

Have you ever wondered what God’s purpose for you is? I don’t think you would be alone, though I also don’t believe it is as hard as we make it out to be.

Part of that is that we and our culture don’t always make it easy to live out or see our purpose. Our purpose is contained within every situation, every relationship, every skill, and every gift. Our purpose from the beginning of creation is to bear fruit and tend the garden. So we are meant to be God’s blessing, to share God’s blessing and to increase God’s blessing in everything else. This is both general, but also particular to each of us. Now, we just have to learn how to do that in our lives. Join us this Sunday when we will explore this more.

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