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The Presence of God

One of the greatest joys of life is the relationships we build. I think we can so often forget this when we are chasing after success, stuff, or even just survival. There is so much that can come from a simple relationship, especially the deeper and richer they become. This is true for marriage, but also for friendship, for family, for coworkers, for mentors, and more.

As much as we know this, we can so easily take relationships for granted, especially our relationship with God. Here is the one who created and sustains everything and generously wants to give us so much and yet how rarely do we even recognize his presence? Yet, God wants to give us even more, as he wants to live in us and invite us to live in Him. This all-surpassing gift is beyond our comprehension and yet as we faithfully live into it, we can see it transform everything. Join us this Sunday where we explore our greatest privilege: the presence of God.

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Phil house Phil house

The Great Privilege of Joining God’s Family

We know that family can be both an immense blessing, but also a struggle. On one side, families can leave us with a hurt that is hard to get over and little or no opportunity. On the other, the safety, joy, and love of a family can inspire the rest of our lives. So one of the greatest privileges we can have, that we never deserved or had a decision over, is our birth.

Yet, no family is perfect and all of us have been planted with a longing for the fullness of what family can be. This yearning in our hearts directs us to the one great familial privilege that we are all invited into and that is to join God's family. We may not realize it or even be able to imagine it, but this new family brings with it far more privilege than any other; it can even transform the privilege or lack of privilege in the past. Join us this Sunday when we explore one of the greatest privileges, which is to be in God's family.

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Phil house Phil house

United in Difference

In all of our conversations about privilege there is something important to remember. We are all different and that is good. This may seem like such a simple idea, but it is easy to forget when we compare ourselves to others. No matter how much we give or share, there will always be ways in which we are privileged more than others and ways that they are privileged more than us.

Jesus tries to show us that rather than an injustice our difference is actually meant to be for our good. In Jesus we can find such an amazing unity in our difference that we become more together than we ever were apart.

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Phil house Phil house

Clothing Others in Our Privilege: From Slave to Brother

Today, we have begun to dig into what God is calling us to do when we give up our privilege and how giving our privilege to another can mean a new kind of privilege and relationship for them too. We don’t just give up our privilege, we can clothe others in it. That is what Jesus came into this world to do, as he gave us his faith, his spirit, his brotherhood, his baptism, his eternal life and so much more. Now, that we have been given so much in Jesus Christ, He appeals to us out of love to do the same for others, to give them our privilege, to restore relationships, to build up, to serve, and to equip others for mutual service of Christ-like love. Through Jesus Christ, we live in a privilege we never deserved, and we can help others to live in that privilege too. AMEN

We can easily look at two people, two nations, and two situations and compare the drastic differences in their privilege. It is important to notice the difference, especially between us and others, because we can often make a difference and I don't just mean through physical means. We can actually clothe others in our privilege in a way that changes their situation and relationships.

This Sunday we walk through Philemon a letter from Paul where he is using his privilege, his relationships, his faith, and his physical means, all with the intent of transforming Onimus, a former slave of Philemon into a brother in Christ. Join me while we explore how we can cloth another in our privilege so that they might enjoy that privilege too.

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Phil house Phil house

Privilege is There to Give it Up

In the world, we often feel like we need to protect what we have. We think we need to hold onto our privilege or else we might not get it back. Fear can so easily control us, so that we tightly grasp at what God has generously given us.

It might feel counter-intuitive, but the bible tells us that one of the greatest things about privilege is giving it up. Jesus Himself is the best example of this, but so is every humble and faithful follower of Jesus, who gives up something to lift up God and share his love. Even the Wisemen, who we rightfully call wise, gave up their comfort and status to travel 100s of miles so that they might give up more at the feet of Jesus.

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Our God Given Privilege

We have been given so much. I am continually reminded how much I have to be thankful for. The thing the Bible reminds us of again and again is that we live in a privileged state due to God's grace.

Our coming sermon series is about privilege - ultimately, that God privileges us for a reason. To begin we look all the way back at creation and see that God had intended to make us Kings and Queens ruling like him to create order and life.

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