God’s Word Creates

Do you like to make anything? What do you like to make?

How do you make it?

What do you make it with?

We just heard about God making everything, but did you notice how he made everything? Did he use his hands? Did he use Lego?

No, he spoke and when he spoke it came to pass.

God said, let there be light, and . . . what happened? There was light.

What can our words do? When we write or speak, we can create other worlds, we can help people see our world more clearly, or we can lift people up. Our words have the power to create and do pretty amazing things.

God’s word is even more powerful. When he says something it comes to pass. It is so true that it shapes things and changes things. God’s word is truly creative. So, we should be excited to read the bible or to pray, because we know that when God speaks to us it does something - it creates something, changes something.

When God created, he spoke into something formless and chaotic - nothing could live in it, so he brought order out of chaos so life could thrive. We can trust that God’s word speaks into our chaos to order it for life.

Lastly, did you notice how each day of creation ended? Every time, God looked at what he created and he saw that it was good.

Do our words always do good? What about when we are angry? Or jealous? Or sad? Sometimes our words can be harmful, destructive, and painful. All we have to do is look at what we have caused to see the consequences of our words. Yet, God’s word always leads to good. It always creates that which leads to life. We might not always see it in this broken world, but we can always trust that God is leading us towards life. Today, we see that as Jesus, God’s creative word becomes flesh and leads to hope and life for all the world.


God’s Word Transforms


God Filling the Loss - Blue Christmas Service