Phil house Phil house

Fire and the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is powerful. When you add that to what we have already learned, how the Holy Spirit is present, uniting, prays for us, our breath, and wisdom itself, that means that anything is possible.

It starts with us. We are the ones who can welcome in or resist the Holy Spirit. We can struggle with the fire that burns in us or it can ignite us to wonderful things. The big first question is how we are going to relate to that powerful Spirit that can do anything.

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Phil house Phil house

The Spirit of Wisdom

Jesus told his disciples: “I have much more to say to you,"

COMMUNICATION with Christ was promised to be ongoing because He is risen!

"...more than you can now bear."

TIMING matters, and the truth He speaks is always spoken from a framework of love, so we don't need to be afraid.

"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth."

RELATIONSHIP with Jesus is about listening and responding to His word. Our God guides us into truth and truth sets us free.

As I explore Jesus' words in John 16 this Sunday, join me in praying to hear from the Spirit of Wisdom *how* we can make it a regular practice to listen for the truth God has for us at this time in our history as a church and family of God.

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Phil house Phil house

The Breath of God (Ruah)

You may remember last year that we looked at the work of the Holy Spirit. This year we are looking at the characteristics of the Holy Spirit. My hope is that we might better know and participate in the Holy Spirit so that his powerful work might be seen in and around us.

This week we look at how the Holy Spirit is related to the breath and to the wind. The breath fills us and gives us our life and being. The wind blows around us, moving and shaping the world. In both of these, we can begin to know and experience the life-giving and powerful reality of the Holy Spirit.

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Phil house Phil house

Our Great Intercessor

Have you ever felt like your prayers were just bouncing off the ceiling? Have you wondered where God is in your life? Have you sometimes lost that closeness to God that you crave for again? Well, this week, we are exploring the topic of the Holy Spirit as Intercessor. Not just some vague wafting spirit who randomly comes and goes, but a person, God as Spirit, who lives as an advocate for us and this whole world. Our prayers are reinterpreted by the loving Spirit of God. When we feel or are weak, we know that we have someone acting as an Advocate! This is good news, so let’s open up again to God’s Spirit and come to be renewed, refreshed and restored!

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