What’s in a Name?

The name Matteo is the Italian version of Matthew which means "gift of God." 

Matteo James Stonhouse (my first son) has been just that. Even before he was born God protected him on-top of a mountain and during his birth, I would say to a miraculous degree. Stories for another time. Now that he is born, I can only reflect that he is truly God's gift. What have I ever done to deserve such a little bundle of joy, potential and love? I don't believe I could ever deserve it and yet I am so excited for every moment, even the hard ones. He is a gift, a gift that points me even more to a merciful and generous God.

Mary Anne and I took a long time to choose the name. We finally settled on it while staying in Mexico, but I didn’t realize all that the name would mean to me and all that it has meant.

Heritage connection: Matteo is Italian, but the tradition to name your first child after your church comes from Mary Anne’s Maltese side and the name Matthew has already been a part of my family for some time. James was a great great great etc. grandfather that launched the Stonhouse family (so to speak in England).

Church connection: St. Matthew is the church I currently lead, as well as the my first incumbency, but the church itself has also gone above and beyond to support us before and after the birth, with a baby shower, gifts, food, kindness, patience, space and much more. St. James was the church in Saskatoon where my father lead, but it is also the place I really learned and started to grow in my faith. St. Matthew’s was also the first church my mother led in Saskatoon.

Special connection: The year that Matteo was born is the lectionary year of Matthew. Liturgical churches have a three year cycle starting with the gospel of Matthew, then Mark, ending with Luke, before cycling back again (John is interspersed through each year). Matthew is my favorite gospel and is the one that we were told to read in preparation for Godspell, well I performed it in High School. At the age of 14 I walked the Santiago de Compostela, the pilgrimage of St. James. This was one of the most transformational trips as it gave a strong base of faith for the trials of both High School, but honestly most of my life.

As a side connection: MJ is special as two MJ’s helped to inspire my joy for basketball and music

So the name is very important to us, but is really just a reminder of how important Matteo is to us. It is interesting that so much can be carried in a name.

This reminds me that God’s name is deeply important. Not just Yahweh, or I am, but how he is known, remembered and spoken about. If my son can have a name so full of joy, potential, hope, faith, and more, shouldn’t God’s name carry even more with it. Shouldn’t we want to lift it up and share it in ways that shows others his greatness?

What does God’s name mean to you? How can you share it in ways that it becomes meaningful for others as well?


A little love that grows - The Love planted in us all


Only Mom will Do