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False Vs. True Leaders and Followers

What makes for a good leader? It is a question that has been asked a hundred times in our culture. Whole books have been written about it, trying to teach us what makes for a good leader. One of the questions that has to be asked is how do we even measure a good leader. Do we look at the success of their company? Do we look at people's willingness to follow them? Do we look at their ability to create change?

All of this is trying to get at what Jesus said more than two thousand years ago. Jesus knows that there can be false leaders, even in the church, and that we must be wary and discerning. Jesus shows us that we must look beyond the surface because leaders can say a lot of things, even do things that look good, but we must ask, are they bearing good fruit that lasts? A good leader must first and foremost be a good follower, one who does the will of God. If we can follow God fully only then can we lead others to the truly good things from Him. This becomes an important question because we know to some degree we are all leaders in our lives and we know how bad things can get when we or others follow a bad leader. This Sunday God will give us a few ways to help us discern a good leader.

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Phil house Phil house

Who is Your Master?

What is most important to you? Take a moment to think about it. Let me put it another way: where do you spend your time, energy and money? These two questions might bring about two very different results. We might want something to be more important, but the proof is in the pudding.

Jesus has already passed on practices like giving (charity) and prayer, but this Sunday we look at fasting and more. These are all meant to be practices that help us put God first in mind, body and spirit. This is more important then we realize, because if our lives are based, centred, directed towards anything else first, then we only find and see the things which are lacking, which disappear, which cannot support us. Our lives then become only what these things or people can give us: full of fear and anxiety, loss, without purpose, without stability or peace. As the passages remind us: where are treasure is there our heart is also, we cannot serve two masters, and unless we are facing the light our lives will be filled with darkness. Let us seek after God and be filled with the good things that come from him alone.

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Phil house Phil house

The Importance and Power of Prayer

Do you know the power of prayer? Prayer is our personal relationship and conversation with the God who created and sustains all things. There is practically nothing that relationship can’t do. Yet, prayer is something so simple and so accessible that literally everyone can do it. You don’t even need to be able to get out of bed. You only need a minute. You only need to know and trust God and your life and world can be forever changed.

So why don’t we pray more? Why don’t we spend more time in prayer? Why don’t we trust God with our whole lives in prayer? Important questions to ask, because as Jesus teaches us how to pray, we will realize that through prayer we join God in creating heaven on earth.

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Phil house Phil house

Why do we Give?

      Why do we give? Why do we serve? These are very important questions to ask and to keep praying about because depending on our answer, it will change how we give and serve. Sometimes we give to be recognized or to get a nice feeling, well that will only go so far. Sometimes we give to those who have given to us. Sometimes, we give because we know we will get something back. All of these are not enough to give others or us what we truly need.

      But if we give out of thanks to God's immeasurable generosity, if we give to grow in our trust and relationship with God, if we give knowing that God has far more waiting for us, there is no end to what our giving and service can become and in that, we shall discover we have more than enough.

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Phil house Phil house

The Centrality of Faithfulness

The absolute importance of faithfulness. Jesus uses some difficult subjects like lust, divorce, adultery, and promises to show us that our desires, relationships, words, and actions all become ways that we live out either betrayal or faithfulness. If you have ever had a problem with lust, addiction, or in marriage, I would encourage you to listen, even if online later. In the end, we are given God's faithfulness so we know we can rest and depend on Him.

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