Phil house Phil house

Jesus - The Good News Became Flesh

We all want good news but can we actually hear it, understand it, or know that it is good news. Today, God brings that good news to us in bodily form to show us what amazing Good News He is offering

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Phil house Phil house

Mary: The Servant of God

Isaiah 7:1-17 (A sign for Ahaz)

Anthem: Luke 1:46-56 (Magnificat)

Luke 1:26-38 (Jesus Foretold)

In today’s world where everyone wants to be their own boss, we have difficulty really giving up control to truly serve another. Even our methods of service often keep us in control. As we look at the story of Mary we will see how she was truly willing to become a servant of God and how that made the biggest difference.

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Phil house Phil house

Zachariah: Living Into the Promise

Isaiah 40:1-5 (A voice Cries out in the Wilderness)

Luke 1:67-80 (Zachariah's song)

Luke 1:5-25 (John Foretold)

If we look back on the history of God working with humanity, He has made some amazing promises. It is really important that we look back on these promises because 1) we see God’s promises for us as we live into those stories of old, 2) we see how God lives into those promises, and 3) we see the consistent character and faithfulness of God. Zachariah is an amazing example of this.

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