The Glory Of God Descends - The Manger Becomes God’s Temple - Christmas Eve Candlelight service

This service was done by candlelight with no technology. For that reason there is no recording.

2 Chronicles 7:1-3, 11-16 - The Glory of God descends on the tabernacle

Psalm 149

Luke 2:1-20

You can imagine what it would have been like for Mary and Joseph. They were getting into Bethlehem late as all the inns and places of refuge were taken. So they go to the bit of shelter and warmth they could find in a barn. 

Today, the very grandeur and glory of God descends into the simple every day and makes them profound and beautiful.

We can look back and see how God longs to come close and fill the world with his glory - we might remember his spirit hovering over the chaotic waters of creation to bring order, we might remember God walking in Eden, we might remember the burning bush that was not consumed, we might remember the fire that guided and protected Israel in the desert, or we might remember the glory as it descended on the temple. 

But at Christmas, In that manger, God’s glory descended again.

It would have been dark, lighted only by candlelight, a fire, and the moonlight and starlight pouring in.

This simple place where the animals lived, through Mary’s struggle and suffering becomes a holy place. A little moment of Eden

God’s glory descends to another place. The Shepherd out in the field surrounded by their sheep, sleeping by the fire, seeing the new star rising above them

Suddenly that field is filled with the glory of the heavenly host and heaven seems to dwell on the earth

They are invited to meet their great shepherd and then empowered to shepherd people to Jesus as they share the story.

As they meet baby Jesus that simple manger becomes a temple and they see God dwelling in their midst.

They see beyond the simple humility of this child and see their hope, the potential, and God’s glory in their very midst. 

Mary and Joseph knew what was coming. Those Shepherds knew what to look for. Yet, those Innkeepers and all the numerous residents and visitors in Bethlehem didn’t know. They didn’t know how God could have made their home and their lives profoundly beautiful and glorious that day or else they would have made space and welcomed them in. We often don’t know how God wants to dwell in our midst either. We can turn God away. We can reject him at our door rather than inviting him in. So God moves into the world, he makes our fields, our animals, and parks Holy, but he longs to enter into every palace. 

What could it mean if we could see beyond the humble reality of a moment to find and invite in God’s glory and presence? What could it mean if we could make our lives and places a temple for God? What could it mean if we could see God’s hope grown to its fullness?

God wants to enter in and make it all profoundly beautiful

What in your life longs to become Holy, God’s dwelling place? How could your homes become this sacred? How could your office, your dining room, everywhere be a place where God’s glory dwells? 


The Word that Created Everything Becomes Flesh - The Word, Wisdom and Order - Christmas Day


A King is Born - A Descendent of King David and a Child of God - Christmas Eve