A Brother’s Responsibility in Ancient Times

Here is a script/skit friends and I wrote in seminary which explores a very strange commandment in the book of Deuteronomy. This particular story and commandment are meant to show us how we are meant to take care of those in our midst that need us, especially those closest to us, but also those in and around our community.

(The Narrator(1) stands off to the side – two brothers (2 and 3) and a wife(4) standoff as well)

The Narrator: Suppose two brothers are living on the same property,

(While this is being said the two brothers meet in the middle, shake hands and take opposite sides of the stage. One brother (2) with his wife (4))

when one of them dies without having a son to carry on his name.

(The one brother (2) with the wife looks up scared and then looks to his brother, who waves goodbye. He collapses dead on the ground. The newly widow looks to the audience and narrator scared)

If this happens, his widow must not marry anyone outside the family.

(The widow walks into the audience looking for a mate but the narrator stops her. Instead while saying the next line he pushes her towards the other brother (3))

Instead, she must marry her late husband’s brother, and their first son will be the legal son of the dead man.

(The widow and brother make loving sounds and suddenly 2 appears as a baby and comes out crying)

7 But suppose the brother refuses to marry the widow.

(The brother (3) pushes her away and looks at the baby(2). 2 realizes and shrivels up, dies and is no more)

She must go to a meeting of the town leaders

(The Narrator looks to the newly dead baby)

She goes to see the TOWN LEADERS

2: Really???

Narrator: Yup

2 as Town Leader: Fine (He puts on a new hat and looks to the audience) New hat new character.

She must go to a meeting of the town leaders at the town gate and say,

(The widow now runs to the Town Leader over doing the panic and sadness)

Widow (4): “My husband died without having a son to carry on his name. And my husband’s brother refuses to marry me so I can have a son.”

(The Town Leader pats her on the head and pushes her to the side. While this has been happening the brother (3) has been looking at his names fully impressed with himself, maybe even with a mirror)

Narrator: The leaders will call the living brother to the town gate

Town Leader: HEY YOU (Points at the brother and then points to the ground in front of him)

Narrator: and try to persuade him to marry the widow.

(The brother starts wagging his finger and talking in very fast gibberish)

But if he doesn’t change his mind and marry her, 9 she must go over to him while the town leaders watch.

(The Narrator grabs the brother (3) a chair and sits him down)

Brother: Thank you

(The Widow walks towards the brother)

Narrator: She will pull off one of his sandals and spit in his face,

Brother: Huh (looking up at the Narrator scared)

(The Widow does just that in pretend or we can actually take off his shoe and have a glass with very little water in it)

Widow: “That’s what happens to a man who won’t help provide descendants for his dead brother.”

Narrator: From then on, that man’s family will be known as

Brother: (pouting) “the family of the man whose sandal was pulled off.” (Walks off ashamed)


A Toronto Heist