The Lost Sheep - Children’s Story

Written to relate the biblical story of the lost sheep to children. I hope the learning is fairly straightforward

Written By Rev. Philip Stonhouse

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cindy. Her favorite thing in all the world was her stuffed lamb or lambie as she would call him. One day, at nap time, she reached over in her bed for lambie, but he wasn’t there. She got out of bed and ran throughout the house searching frantically for lambie, yelling “Where are you Lambie? Please come back to me Lambie”. She overturned every seat cushion, every toy bin. She made a mess in the living room, in her bedroom, in the kitchen all in search of her favorite toy. Her father, Peter, was working downstairs when he overheard this ruckus. The clitter-clatter of toys on the hardwood, the pitter-patter of feet, the banging of pots, and the ringing of a child’s voice. Just as he was going to check on Cindy, everything went quiet. He was more distressed by this than the noise, but he thought “she must have gone back to bed, I’ll go and tuck her in”. He walked by the living room and saw that all her toys were out. He walked by the kitchen and saw pots and pans littering the floor and was a little angered by her mess. When he got to her room, he saw her blankets thrown about and her bed empty. As Peter began looking around the house he started to get more and more panicked yelling, “Where are you, Cindy? Please come back to me, Cindy? Peter threw off the covers of every bed in the house. He pulled clothes out of the closet. He looked in the toy chest and the kitchen cabinets. He sat down quite worried about her, trying to remember if he heard a door open. Just as he was about to sit down, he remembered that he had just washed Lambie. Peter ran into the laundry room and there was Cindy with her arms tightly wrapped around Lambie sleeping on clothes in a laundry basket. The next day, Peter was walking outside carrying Cindy in his arms as she clutched Lambie in hers. While walking he passed by a sign that read, “Jesus is calling out to you, ‘Where are you? Please come back to me’. No matter who you are, or what you’ve done, he wants to find you and keep you safe” Peter thought about this looked at his daughter in his arms, remembering how intensely he looked for her and she looked for Lambie. He asked as if someone was standing right beside him, “Could Jesus care that much about me?” The thought made him smile as he walked home carrying the one he loved in his arms. 


Hippo and Bird - Children’s Story