Gods . . .

Written By Rev. Philip Stonhouse

Commentary below the poem:

When first we thought

We stopped to listen

That is when we heard

A single word

Whispered in the wind


We rose to that word

Thinking to make it true

And so we sought more

To kill everything we met

Dominate everything we touch

And win everything we tried

Our actions drove the world

To nothing that was good

No thing was enough

We left behind what was.

So all things were lost

Yet still we heard the whisper

When first we saw another creature

We hear the whisper: Gods ......

So quick we killed it for our food

When first we saw a great oak

We hear the The whisper: Gods........

So quick we cut it down for our home

When first we met another person 

We hear the whisper: Gods.......

So quick we prove that we are better

In the vast and endless pursuit

We try to make ourselves Gods

But in that we lose the world

As the loneliness settles

That we have inflicted on ourselves

And as we see

the desolation we have caused

The realization hits that we heard wrong

It was a soft, gentle, and loving whisper

Labeling us not as gods but God's

An introduction 

to the one who made us

The one who cherished us

The one who wants to hold us close. 

As we looked at the world

the voice labeled the things we saw

As lovingly made.

And so were we,

Meant to treat them as such. 

How far we have fallen

Maybe we resisted

Belonging to another,

But in our struggle

we only belonged to blind desire

And lost who we are

And what that means

We sought to be gods 

But became anything but.

There was rarely settled joy 

Our only pursuits were wanting

As nothing came close

to belonging to God

And so we lose everything

to gain nothing

In being God's 

We were meant to be gods. 

But we didn't know the meaning

Of our great destiny

Power was only part of the answer

It was love that we missed. 

Love that cherishes all things

understands all things

shares all things

holds all things

gives all things

Even our very self

This is to see through the eyes of God

And act like our creator

This is part of loving God in return 

And as we do He makes us more like Him

Only in this do we become more

And reach beyond our created order

(and become truly free)

If we were only to listen

and see the world for what it is

We would have seen 

that He has given us everything we need.

This world could be our throne,

and all these people could be our family. 

God has made us more, 

but we have made ourselves less. 

The hope still remains 

that once more we could be God's. 

Stop, listen and hear

the gentle whisper is still there

"you are God's" 

Hear these words and know

you were lovingly made

Commentary: I wrote this while praying for people on the subway. I watched them as they flittered here and there in search of something, so rarely actually settling into what was actually present.


There Comes A Time


Wishes of the Heart