In Want of Love

Written By Rev. Philip Stonhouse

The commentary is below the poem:

In want of Love I search both day and night

Through flowing river, sea and endless Oc(ean)

In Field and forest whether dark or light

Through blowing winds or in earths constant mot(ion)

To my surprise my heart has yet to find

Another heart and mind to make it whole

To know love is the one thing in my mind

To be in Love and in turn love’s my goal

I am not looking for the perfect girl

For I know perfection is in the flaw

Of black straight hair or gold with lots of curl

It does not matter, for she shall leave me in awe

In searching I find no end, so I wait

For one who may my heart mend, it’s my fate 

Commentary: Originally written when I was taking drama and English in university - Since coming to greater faith and marriage, I have been challenged in my perspective on romance and the pursuit of love. It is not that love in marriage is any less than I expect, in fact, it is far more real, grounded, and inspiring. The love though has pointed me to a love and yearning that is far greater. The love that is beyond, built into the fabric of creation and every sinew of my body. A love that loved me before I could ever deserve it and even after I didn’t. The love of God that longs to bring me home into the fullness of companionship with him, my wife, and all those around me.


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