“Buying time”
By Rev. Michael Stonhouse
Meditation – Thursday, December 12, 2024
Luke 22: 1-13 (Forward, p. 44) CEV p. 1092
I would not be at all surprised if Jesus was not aware, in some way, of where Judas Iscariot’s thoughts were drifting. Certainly, I think that He would have noticed the discrepancies in terms of the finances belonging to this small group. Judas’ pilfering could not have gone unnoticed forever. And besides, we are told on numerous occasions that Jesus knew the thoughts of people even when unexpressed or not evidenced in some other way (see Matthew 9:4; Luke 5: 22, 6: 8; 16:15, and John 2:24).
And so, further to this line of thinking, I think that Jesus deliberately and carefully orchestrated His plans for the Passover supper in such a way as only a very small group would be aware of them—namely Peter and John and the unnamed host. Indeed, their rendezvous has all the trappings of a set up: just as they entered the city coming across a male servant carrying a jar of water. I think that Jesus was ‘buying time’, precious time, so He could have a quiet and intimate spell with His disciples prior to His arrest.
This says several things to me: firstly, that Jesus is fully aware of what is going on in our world, including the thoughts and intentions of people, whether on a local or a macro level. Secondly, that He is not dictated by other people or events but is totally in control. And thirdly, that He cares about us and wants to spend time with us, and furthermore, will go to incredible lengths to safeguard and preserve this time.
Forward notes: “Go and prepare” (verse 8b)
“Prepare. Life is short.
“Life is short. Tell those you love how much they mean. Life is short. Be generous in forgiving and letting go.
“Life is short. Sing with a heart full of joy, even if you sing off-key.
“Life is short. Live a life of deep gratitude.
“Life is short. Eat dessert first, read a good book, let go of things that don’t matter, including past slights and hurts.
“Life is short. Go to church, say your prayers, fall in love with Jesus again and again.
“Life is short. Wake up, stay alert, be prepared, light the lamps, get ready. Listen for the knock; answer the call; serve where you are sent.
“Life is short. Dream, but don’t just dream, follow your dreams.
“Life is short. Make a list and then check things off. Life is short. Dance.
“Life is short. Jesus is coming. Jesus is here. Life is short.”
Moving Forward: “How are your preparing for the coming of Christ?”