“Brighter visions from afar”

By Rev. Michael Stonhouse

Meditation – Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Zechariah 2: 1-13 (Forward, p. 51) CEV p. 965

The third verse of the age-old Christmas carol, ‘Angels, from the Realms of Glory’, has the words, “Sages, leave your contemplations, brighter visions beam afar, seek the great desire of nations, you have seen his natal star.”

In today’s passage, the prophet Zechariah speaks of some of those ‘brighter visions’, which, in this case, speak of the future of Jerusalem. The first few verses, verses 1-5, announce the future shape or size of Jerusalem. It will be huge in size, enough to accommodate scads of people (and animals as well). We later discover that this will only happen with the ‘new Jerusalem’, as described in the Book of Revelation (see Revelation 21:15-16, where it says that it will be 1500 miles cubed in size). There will be enough room therein to accommodate all of God’s chosen people. No one who puts his or her trust in Him will be turned away.

The second part of today’s passage, verses 6-13, also speak of Jerusalem but this time of its restoration and of it being God’s dwelling place. Again, we see this in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 21: 1-3). And, not only that, but it is also tells us that many nations will turn to Him and become His people (see Revelation 7:9). And that judgment will be meted out on those who oppress or wrong that city.

Those are indeed ‘brighter visions from afar’, and indeed, they were far in the future when Zechariah penned them. Indeed, they are still in the future, even today. But that doesn’t mean that the Lord is slack in terms of His promise. The fulfilment of these prophecies will certainly ‘come’ but in the Lord’s timing and in our Lord’s way.

In the meantime, we have seen an even greater, brighter vision, ‘the great desire of nations’ as the hymn puts it: Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour and Messiah. Indeed, in Him we have all can want or need. And in Him, we can entrust our lives, even as we await further ‘visions from afar.’

Forward notes: “I looked up and saw a man with a measuring line in his hand. Then I asked, ‘where are you going?’ He answered me, ‘To

measure Jerusalem, to see what is its width and what is its length” (verses 1-4).

“In this vision, a builder of sorts has arrived to prepare for building a wall around Jerusalem to serve as protection. Builders are always measuring things as they plan for how best to build. Building walls is expensive and a long job, and the end result would not necessarily protect the city, as this story hints.

“Throughout history, people have tried to protect themselves by building walls, fences, levees, and fortresses. They often don’t achieve their intended purposes. Barriers can introduce new problems by drawing attention to the areas they surround. They broadcast conflict in that way. The wall announces ‘Go away’ to everyone, those who would actually be welcome and those who are enemies. Few walls can be thick enough or tall enough to keep out enemies determined to break in.”

Moving Forward: “What walls have you erected in your life? Have they been helpful or harmful?”


“But, but, but”


“Whoa. It doesn’t sound so good”