“Whoa, whoa, whoa”

By Rev. Michael Stonhouse

Meditation – Monday, August 14, 2023

Psalm 89 (Forward, p. 16) CEV p. 609

Today’s psalm is something like a stream of conscious type of rambling, for in its numerous verses, it covers a multitude of other disparate topics. And yet, taken together, it flows along coherently and makes total sense:

In the opening verses, verses 1-18, our psalmist praises God for His faithfulness towards Israel and towards David and his descendants (here he is only mentioned once, in verses 3-4). God far surpasses anything or anyone in heaven, in terms of His love, His power, His justice, His kindness, His protection and His faithfulness. And always, in this section, it is His faithfulness that is emphasized (see verses 1,25,8, and 14).

In verses 19-37, our psalmist picks up again the theme of God’s promises to David and his descendants, and of the covenant that God made to them, and explores this in great detail.

But then, in verses 38-51, there is a big ‘whoa’. “Whoa, God, none of this seems to be happening. In fact, it appears that you have turned your back on David and His descendants and His people. Indeed, what has happened is just the opposite of the protection and stability that you promised. David and his descendants have been thrust from the throne, and Jerusalem and the entire kingdom have been destroyed. All of God’s people have become the laughing-stock of everyone round about.” And, so our psalmist, quite rightfully, asks God, “what gives?”

Interestingly, we never hear an answer, at least not within this psalm. But then, perhaps verses 30-32 give us a clue. It suggests that some of David’s descendants may well reject God’s law, refuse God’s instructions and disobey God’s teachings—which is indeed what happened. And should this happen—as it did—God says that He will correct and punish them on account of their sins. And so the destruction of Jerusalem and the kingdom and the dethronement of David’s heirs fit in entirely. And yet God does not forsake David’s line but raises up another in it as king, namely Jesus, who will indeed reign for ever, even as promised.

For our psalmist, all of this is unknown and remains far in the future, and yet, even so, he is able to say, in conclusion, “Our Lord, we praise you forever. Amen and amen.”

Forward notes: “You have a mighty arm; strong is your hand and high is your right hand” (verse 13).

The commemoration of Jonathan Myrick Daniels

“Many of the holy women and men we celebrate lived long ago. But not today. Jonathan Myrick Daniels was an ordinary boy from New Hampshire, albeit smart enough to attend Harvard University and then Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge. As a seminarian in the 1960s, he listened carefully to the canticles at Evensong, hearing the riveting promises of the Magnificat: ‘He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly.’

“In this canticle, Jonathan heard the trumpet call of justice. Off he went to Mississippi in the savage heat to support voter registration of Blacks. After his arrest, he and others were released and headed to a drug store. There, Jonathan stepped in front of Ruby Sales to shield her from gunfire; he was shot and killed. One life, that’s all, but it just takes one life. Ruby later went to Episcopal Divinity School and became a priest.

“Thanks be to God for the gentle soul of Jonathan Daniels. Let us never hear the Magnificat the old way again.”

Moving Forward: “If it only takes one life for God’s glory to shine, let it be ours.”


“Coming into our own”


“Reaping what they sow”