“A place of defence”

By Rev. Michael Stonhouse

Meditation – Tuesday, February 27, 2024 Psalm 61 (Forward, p. 29) CEV p. 590

Having spent time both in the Middle East and in the United Kingdom where castles or fortresses are very much part of the scene, I can well imagine what a wonderful image of God’s protection and defence this is for David. And, then, as was so often the case, as in Edinburgh Castle in Scotland, where the fortress was ‘perched’, situated on a mighty and pretty well unassailable outcropping of rock, then the image is even more telling. And that is only one set of images that David calls forth. He also relates another image, one that is very warm and intimate and homey, that of a mother bird enveloping her brood under her wings and protecting them there. What a wonderfully personal image this is.

All three of these images are used by David to describe his relationship with God, and the protection that he knows, from experience, that he can expect from God. He has experienced this in the past, and now expects it to continue, and for this, he praises God. And so can it be, should it be, for us as well. God is always there for us as our rock and our defence and can be counted upon to help us always. That doesn’t mean—as neither did it for David—that we will be immune from problems and difficulties, but merely that God is there and understands and will help us through them. Thanks be to God.

Forward notes: “So will I always sing the praise of your Name, and day by day I will fulfill my vows” (verse 8).

Commemoration: George Herbert

“In honour of George Herbert, poet divine, we celebrate with an original poem, a life of words that shine.

“His verses flowed with heavenly grace, and touched the hearts of the human race. With pen in hand, he wrote of love and faith, and found in God a source of endless grace.

His poems spoke of things both great and small, and filled our souls with hope and peace for all. Oh, George Herbert, your legacy lives on, as your words continue to inspire and to dawn. The light of truth, of beauty, and of love, that shines from the heavens and lifts us above. So let us honour your life with joy and praise, and carry on your message through all our days. For in your poems, we find a lasting light, that guides us through the darkness of the night.”

Moving Forward: “Research and reflect upon some of George Herbert’s poems. Share your favourite with us at #ForwardDaybyDay.”


“Only a pipe dream?”


“His secret? Delegation”