“Future glory”

By Rev. Michael Stonhouse

Meditation – Saturday, January 6, 2024

Isaiah 60:1-6 (Forward, p. 69) CEV p. 754

Stuck in exile in Babylon, the displaced and despondent Hebrew people needed all the hope they could get. In chapter 59 of Isaiah, we hear God’s promise that He will rescue His people, and then, in today’s passage we are given a glimpse of the future glory of the hitherto desolate and ruined city of Jerusalem. It is quite a scene: it pictures a new day, a day where a new light will shine where previously there was nothing but darkness. It promises that God’s people will once again return to their homeland. Furthermore, it says that kings and nations will seek out that nation, even to the point of bringing luxurious gifts. For a people languishing in exile, this seemed almost too good to be true, and yet all this did indeed take place. All of this speaks of something that became an historical reality. Such is God’s incredible promises—and His faithfulness. And this is true, not only of them back then, but of us today: we are to fully trust God to do just as He has promised—even, if as Israel probably thought at the time, it seemed totally unrealistic, totally impossible. God can do what is seemingly quite impossible. And what a wonderful thought this is, as we enter into a brand-new year. Thanks be to God.

Forward notes: “Arise, shine; for you light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (verse 1).

“When I had nightmares as a child, my father taught me to recite Psalm 27 for comfort: ‘The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom then shall I fear?” This divine light staves off fear. It’s a light that brings comfort and calm and allows us to see in the darkness.

“But over the years, as I have recited this prayer throughout my life at some of the most challenging intersections, I have come to realize that I have this light within me. As children of God, we all have this light—and it is up to us to shine this light in the world. We, too, can bring calm and peace with this light. We, too, can bring comfort and courage with this light in our words and actions and in our very beings. Yes, self-doubt and lack of self-confidence may suppress the light, and others may try to squelch our light with unkind words. But the light of God yearns to shine and longs to be seen. It is unwavering, unextinguishable, and even contagious! Light will always make a way. Let your light shine!

Moving Forward: “How will you let your light shine today?”


“A famous triple play”

