“Well worth mentioning”

By Rev. Michael Stonhouse

Meditation – Thursday, August 8, 2024

Psalm 145 (Forward, p. 10) CEV p. 643

It seems as if more and more companies, even including such entities as dentists, are now going for customer surveys and endorsements. They have adopted the adage that if there is some ‘good news’ out there, good news about their product or service, it is well worth mentioning and sharing.

The same might well be said about God. If there is something good to be said about Him, it too is ‘well worth mentioning.’ In today’s psalm, Psalm 145, David devotes his first verses, verses 1-12, with mentioning that God is ‘well worth’ praising but doesn’t go into any details.

This he does in the last verses, 13-20, before summing it up in verse 21. Here are some of the things he mentions:

-His faithfulness: “Our Lord, you keep your word and do everything

you say” (verse 13b).

-His dependability: “When someone stumbles or falls, you give a

helping hand” (verse 14).

-His provision: “everyone depends on you, and when the time is right,

you provide them with food. By your own hand you satisfy the desires of all who live” (verses 15-16); “You satisfy the desires of all your worshippers, and you come to save them when they ask for help. You take care of everyone who loves you, but you destroy the wicked (verses 19-20).

-His kindness and thoughtfulness: “Our Lord, everything you do is

kind and thoughtful” (verse 17).

-His nearness: “and you are near to everyone whose prayers are

sincere” (verse 18).

There is, according to David at least, a certain ‘catch’ to all this. God’s goodness, while bestowed upon all humankind, is especially directed, especially targeted, at certain people:

Those who depend upon Him.


Those who call upon Him for help.

Those whose prayers are sincere.

Those who love God.

No wonder the ancient Jews felt themselves to be of a ‘favoured nation’ status! And certainly, the same can be said about Christians, those who have chosen to love and serve God in Christ Jesus. And yet, as privileged as we are, we should never presume upon it or take it for granted. It is a privilege not of our own making, but a gift graced to us by a loving God. Thanks be to God.

Forward notes: The LORD upholds all those who fall; he lifts up those who are bowed down. The eyes of all wait upon you, O LORD, and you give them their food in due season” (verses 15-16).

“As a young person, I lived on very little money as I made my way through school. But I never went without. Some modest savings and part-time jobs kept me afloat. And my parents were very generous, providing a safety net I hope to pay forward.

“For several years, I have volunteered at various food pantries. During the pandemic, the need was especially dire. Many people were underemployed and unable to buy enough food for the week. The demographic of food pantry clients began to change. It was not unusual to see young families with two working parents in the intake line.

“Here is where the churches and non-profits in my community stepped into the breach, calling attention to the working poor. In one program I directed, I was overwhelmed with offers to help, either with labor or donations. In this way, we are the hands and feet of the Lord, who gives us food in due season.”

Moving Forward: “Consider volunteering at a local food pantry. And do not hesitate to receive food or other assistance if you are experiencing a need.”


“Some wise delegation’


“The power of introduction”