By Rev. Michael Stonhouse
Meditation – Monday, January 13, 2025
Isaiah 40: 12-23 (Forward, p. 76) CEV p. 733
An initial glance at this passage, which can actually be said to extend to verse 26, reminded me greatly of God’s response to Job, when Job, in what might be described as a bit of bravado and cheekiness, calls upon God to explain Himself and His actions. God responded to this by bringing Job up on the carpet, by asking Job about his knowledge, wisdom, and power, particularly in terms of the creation of the world. Job is brought up short and painfully sees his own finiteness and inability.
So, what about today’s passage? Why has Isaiah launched forth with this lengthy exposition of God’s greatness—how incomparable God is when seen in light of what humans are and do? The preceding verses have proclaimed the Good News of God’s deliverance as afforded to His people, so why this?
My guess is that the people of Israel, God’s chosen people—like many people today—might have gotten the strange and erroneous notion that somehow they deserved God’s grace and goodness, that they ‘had it coming’. And so, God needed to set the record straight by making it abundantly clear that we and Him are not in the same league at all, that we and our meagre abilities are incomparable to His.
Forward notes: “Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning?” (verse 21a)
“I can almost hear Isaiah’s sense of exasperation with these questions. It’s as if he’s shouting at us, trying to get our attention. Sadly, it’s easy for us to forget all God has done for us. Or sometimes, instead of accepting the truth about who God is and what God desires for us, as incomprehensible as it may seem, we ignorantly create idols we can understand. The foundation of all things, according to Paul, is God’s love. Long before the creation of the cosmos, before life existed, God had us in mind, desiring that we would be made whole and holy by God’s love. This extravagant outpouring of love, made manifest in Jesus Christ, God’s only son, was given lavishly to us because God chose us and loves us!
“God planned all this with much pleasure, just as we might lovingly plan a special celebration for family and friends because God wants us to enter the abundant life freely offered through Christ. And when we do, we will find out who we are and what we’re living for. That’s something I want everyone to know!”
Moving Forward: “Is Isaiah talking to you today? Have you not heard?”