“The Honour Roll”

By Rev. Michael Stonhouse

Meditation – Thursday, January 2, 2025

Hebrews 11:1-12 (Forward, p. 65) CEV p. 1267

What an amazing roster, such an honour roll of those who persisted in their faith in God ‘come hell or high water’ (to use an old expression). This honour roll reminds me of something we often saw in Sheridan Hall at Wycliffe College, where I took my seminary training. It was a series of oversize display boards inscribed with the names of Wycliffe graduates who’d served in the mission fields, either here at home—in the North—or overseas. It was quite an inspiration, especially seeing as some of them were people I actually knew personally or had heard a great deal about.

Today’s roster of faith from Hebrews 11 is also quite inspiring:

Abel: making an offering pleasing to God, probably somewhat in

ignorance—seeing as that sort of thing might not have been

formalized—but still in faith that he was doing the right thing.

Enoch, where the exact nature of his faith is never specified. How

then he is like the countless people of faith whose stories have

never been told or recorded.

Noah: talk about faith in God’s word, faith in something unseen—and

quite unbelievable. As far as we know, he had never built, much less

seen, an ark, and certainly had never experienced a rainfall or flood

of such proportions. No doubt he suffered through much ridicule and

misunderstanding, and yet, still he persevered in his faith and his


Abraham & Sarah: to pull up roots—simply at God’s behest—and

move to a yet undisclosed destination. And, as if that were not enough: to believe that they’d have a son when Sarah was

biologically past her child-bearing years.

And the roll call doesn’t end there. Indeed, the roll call, the honour roll, of those who have maintained their faith, their trust in God, no matter what, continues on and on and on through the years. Without a doubt, some of these have been known to us, who have touched our lives. And, also without a doubt, we, you and I, can be part of that esteemed group and roster. Thanks be to God.

Forward notes: “Indeed, by faith our ancestors received approval” (v. 2).

“I’m a word nerd. I love to explore the connected meanings of words and regularly refer to the etymology app on my phone. When I learned that ‘trust’ and ‘tree’ share the same ancient root, a new image of faith was created for me. I become like a tree—supported, sustained, and standing firm—grounded by my faith in God, despite any turmoil that threatens to uproot me.

“Our ancestors are offered as examples of faith. They trusted that God exists, and they were obedient despite not knowing how God’s promises would be kept. They continued to seek God, believing that though they faced numerous challenges, God cared enough to respond to their need. And their faith pleased God.

“How do we live by faith as did our faithful forebears? It’s not always easy, but if we continue to seek God, trust that God cares, and believe that we are heirs to God’s eternal promises, we become like trees nourished and supported by our ancient roots, with budding branches reaching up into the heavens to receive light. God, the Master Arborist, is pleased to help us grow.”

Moving Forward: “Give thanks for the trees—and all the other gifts of God.”


“Focusing on the central point, not on the peripherals”


“Hearing, telling, and doing”